What Survive Knives Are You Waiting For?

GSO-2.7: Remaining Presale orders will be shipped out over the next couple weeks!

Hopefully as stated.

I thought I have a presale order, however, a quick response from Jordyn clarifies my misunderstanding.

Here is her reply via email:

"Preorders are placed before a model starts production. Presale orders are placed when the materials have been made, but while we are still working on finishing the knives and fulfilling preorders. Your order, #xxxxx, was placed after the preorders and presale orders, and is for a knife that was left over from order fulfillment. Your GSO-2.7 is scheduled to ship within 90 days of purchase date. I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions."
I thought I have a presale order, however, a quick response from Jordyn clarifies my misunderstanding.

Here is her reply via email:

"Preorders are placed before a model starts production. Presale orders are placed when the materials have been made, but while we are still working on finishing the knives and fulfilling preorders. Your order, #xxxxx, was placed after the preorders and presale orders, and is for a knife that was left over from order fulfillment. Your GSO-2.7 is scheduled to ship within 90 days of purchase date. I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions."

Thanks for sharing. Let us know.
I'm sure you'll love it once it arrives.
I looked up how much I've spent with Survive this year so far and it is quite a bit less than I thought.
Those seconds and ugly bettys are really good deals, and only paying the deposit on the SK12 kept the expense down.
It turns out that 2016 was my big year for buying Survive knives and I've received most of those.
While I still have several on order I've really done pretty well so far.