What to throw...

Jul 18, 2003
It seems to me that one should be able to throw a combat/fighting knife - the carry knife.

Is this too much to expect?

Some years ago, I was pretty consistant with a K-Bar at 15 to 20 feet. Seems like one should be able to throw anything??
Well, it's a great idea. Essentially, you just have to find a balance point, around which an object will spin, work up a consistent style of throwing, and then find the distances at which you get predictable revolutions.

The problem? Most EDC knives are heat treated too hard. Sure, if you're perfectly on target and revolving exactly, you're fine. But if you're among the OTHER 99/9999999999999999999% of the populous, you're going to punish a normal knife getting all of that down. You'll hit kitty-wompus, flat, hilt-first, and a thousand other ways before you find your sweet spot. Most knives will snap long before you get good enough not to worry about it.

That said, if it won't break your heart to hear it "SNAP!", then fling away, brother!!
