What was William Henry THINKING!!!

Jun 5, 2002
OK, i think WH makes a GREAT knife, near custom quality, in fact, arguably, they ARE custom quality, in short, great, beautifully finished knives. BUT, i'd like to know who it was that thought it was a good idea to make one of their new inlays FIBERGLASS!!!??? :eek:

Now, im no custom knife expert, but i think i do understand a little bit about them, and generally, the idea of an inlay is to 1) Add beauty to the knife, and 2) Introduce a precious/semi-precious material to the knife, like pearl, ivory, jade, gold, yes, even carbon fiber, but fiberglass??? I mean, if i want fiberglass, ill go scrape some out of the insulation in my attic. Even better, its pink!

(And dont get me started on the time i was about 6 years old, in the bathroom, no toilet paper, but there was this very fluffy pink stuff in the corner that looked so soft... :rolleyes: )

I dont know, WH knives have always struck me as elegant and fancy, but i just cant bring myself to feel that fiberglass is either of those things. I think its a pretty poor choice for an inlay on what is supposed to be a very elegant, custom knife.

Just my opinion though.

(Oh, and yes, dont EVER wipe your butt with fiberglass insulation, if in about 1975 you heard a scream of utter anguish that shook the mountaintops, that was me in NJ, learning a very powerful lesson...)
Actually Art, i was a mere boy, but i suppose i grew up REAL fast, in the blink of a wipe as it were... :) Never been the same, my innocence lost forever... :) Also, after the "incident", i could never bring myself to eat cotton candy either, how tragic, a child who has an anxiety attack when confronted with cotton candy...

Hey Art, was at our favorite shop, BA yesterday, bought another JWS just so YOU cant have it, i refuse to let you have them all, a VERY cool mini-scimitar, as usual, absolute perfection, smoother than....well, fiberglass in your rectum, thats for damn sure, anyway mentioned your name to Ida, and of course she refused to admit she knew you... :) Just kidding, she likes you, me too since i spent yet another small fortune there... They will be the death of me, well, it'll be my fiance that will actually kill me, but it will be BA's fault. How many marriages and families will be blown apart by these ruffians, when will the carnage end? :D
I've got to agree that the fiberglass is a bit cheesy. Just don't wipe yourself with the WH, OK? It will make the fiberglass seem positively plush :eek: :D
The material that they are using is made the same way as the carbon fiber composite that is used in knifemaking. Using glass fibers gives the opportunity to have different colored composites. More variety.
True Keith, but, carbon fiber is still at least something of a novelty, very few if any things laying around the house are made with CF, whereas fiberglass is very old, hardly high-tech, is present in probably every house in some form or another and just doesnt seem to be anything particularly interesting, at least not to me. I just find it a pretty uninspired choice for an inlay. What's next, egg carton inserts, Saran wrap inlays... :)

Ok, i admit it! I never forgave fiberglass for looking like a toilet paper substitute! :)
What's next, egg carton inserts, Saran wrap inlays...
Next they'll be making inlays from such common items as knotted up lumber, old bones, clam shells, and the skin from a dead cow...:D
Originally posted by Rev. Pete
Next they'll be making inlays from such common items as knotted up lumber, old bones, clam shells, and the skin from a dead cow...:D

That's disgusting. They would never use that stuff for knife handles!
Pete, thanks for reminding me, i dont like the leather inserts either! Maybe next they'll do cordoroy? :) So, let me say it: "What was Chris Reeve THINKIN! :) Give me old bones any day. :)