What would you like to see on Spydie.com

Feb 23, 2002
I just registered the name www.Spydie.com

I have a few of my own idea's for the website, but I would like to hear from some other Spydie nuts as to what they would like to see on it.
pahl, what about something like THIS? Can't remember where I got it from, but it's a real good source of technical info on some Spydies. :D
Great Idea,

It's just going to be a simple site to start with. Hosted by angelfire.com and I think I will go with ezboard for the forum.

I don't really know any programming other then Java Script.

I see the site is up and running.

Now I have lots of work to do on it.

Feel free to contact me with your idea's

I hope this is not against forum rules posting my website like this. I don't think I will be selling anything on it. It's just going to be a personal website were Spydie nuts can get together and find Spydie info.

John Pahl
kbr and pahl,
That website was from forumite Ted in the Netherlands. Also I was working on a document that documents some the Q's. Maybe you could provide links if you didn't host it yourself.

Be Excellent to each other.
Originally posted by boxer93
kbr and pahl,
Also I was working on a document that documents some the Q's. Maybe you could provide links if you didn't host it yourself.

Be Excellent to each other.

Could I get the link to your documents on the Q's so I could take a look at it?

I could link it or put things like this right into the website.

Originally posted by pahl

[1]I don't really know any programming other then Java Script.

[2]I hope this is not against forum rules posting my website like this. I don't think I will be selling anything on it. It's just going to be a personal website were Spydie nuts can get together and find Spydie info.
1. Unless you have a huge site, it is possible to maintain one written in HTML in a text/html editor. I used to have a small scale game site that was written that way.
2. If there was a rule against having another spyderco fansite, I'd be the first to protest.
Hi Pahl,
Along with what KBR suggested, I would like to see photos of all the knives to scale so viewers can instantly see how big the knives are.
I think it would be great if there were illistrations of the knives to go along with information about them and maybe a vocab page for us beginners that are just starting out. I also like the idea of having up to scale pictures. That would be very helpful. Thanks!!
Originally posted by cowgirlkate
I think it would be great if there were illistrations of the knives to go along with information about them and maybe a vocab page for us beginners that are just starting out. I also like the idea of having up to scale pictures. That would be very helpful. Thanks!!

Great idea cowgirlkate
I'm hoping to include photo's of all the differant models along with other info.

If anyone has some great photo's I could post on the site please let me know.
If you can please send me the link to them and not email the photo's to me.
My email box may fill up fast, unless it's just one or two photo's that should be ok.

Vocab page is something I was thinking about also.

I'm not a spydie expert. So all you experts please feel free to give me a hand.
I have been bitten by the bug and love the spydie's I have.
I do lots of searching for spydie info and thought it would be great to have it all in one place :)

Originally posted by pahl
I just registered the name www.Spydie.com

I have a few of my own idea's for the website, but I would like to hear from some other Spydie nuts as to what they would like to see on it.

I just posted a few replys there!!!!;)
So far my document is a word document. I can send it over if you're interested. I don't think it's well suited for html. I don't have a link yet. I just got my camera connected to my computer so I'm going to start building my basic Q page. I'll let you know when I have something.

Be Excellent to each other.

I will be looking forward to seeing your Q's

Be sure to keep me posted.

Thanks for your help,