What would you pay?

Bladeforums is in no way keeping you from promoting these knives and has no intention of trying to keep you from selling them. Click on "Upgrade your forums experience, and help support this site" at the top of the page, get a Dealer Membership, and post in the appropriate forum. :)
Tell us a little more about the project before we get too deep into this.

We don't want this to turn into bashing or promoting that guy's site or knives whatever the case may be.

Taking the mod hat off, personally I would go in the 90 range and the 170 range on those two knives and ditch the pakkawood for something else.
I like the VG10 model, but $190 is too much. Maybe if that's MSRP and someone has them on discount for $100? It's just a VG10 blade and handle slabs, and I am pretty sure it's made in Japan (not a bad thing, but it should cost less).

The 62-64rc on the damascus is interesting, but it looks like the same sort of steel setup as a Kershaw Shun (not sure of the hardness), which cost a good chunk less even at MSRP. And they have bolsters. I know it's not the same type of knife so it might be the best option for exactly what it is, but feature-wise I can imagine a better deal.
Well, The Knife Seller tells me that in spite of picking the username The Knife Seller and in spite of starting off a post with something a lot like the usual "I'm not trying to spam you, I only want to know what you think of my prices" where 10,000 spammers have gone before, this time it's different. That's not his website; he only wants to know whether we think those knives are overpriced or what. So I'm giving him even more benefit of the doubt -- I'm not only not banning him, I'm even restoring his link: it's http://www.thinkingblade.com/

Am I an idiot or what? We'll see ... :confused:
I don't know my friend, I may be the idiot here. :confused:
Looks like we both were typing up responses at the same time.
Lets just watch this one and see where it goes.;)
Here's what I'd pay:

$100 or less for the plain, $150-ish for the damascus, IF...

...if they had natural handle materials, aren't made in China, and they get some honest positive reviews.

I find it odd that the website doesn't say where these are made. If they're Chinese then I change my 'bids' to $20/$30.

I would like to thank those of you who have contributed to my inquiry, however, please do not post anymore replys as this thread has caused much controvery and enbarrasment at my expense. I would also like thank COUGAR and BASTID for thier contributions!
Bob W brings up a great point as usual.