Whatcha listnin to oo oo?

Today my daughter asked me "what is your favorite instrumental piece that isn't piano" and I had the opportunity to introduce her to Bach's BWV 1004, or
Partita number two as I think of it. D minor I believe.

Live performance by Itzhak Perlman, one of the greatest to ever play. Jo and I had the opportunity to see him perform live back in the 90's before we were married.

If you're not familiar with Bach it takes a few listenings to understand it. This music can make you float.

Edit to add: Chaconne starts at about 13:50...
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90s, man. 90s. I can't beat Perlman, but reminiscing about the 90s made me think of songs like this...
notice the first gen ipads on the clothesline! groundbreaking artists.

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Listen to this through GOOD speakers, or at least a decent pair of headphones.

Listen to it pretty loud. Dynamics are critical for this.

Listen to it in the dark, with your eyes closed.

Listen to the WHOLE thing, without interruption.
