What's a good "starter" throwing knife

Feb 4, 2002
I would like to get back in to throwing knives. What is a good knife to get started on? Gil Hibben? Cold Steel? Boker? Should I start with one knife or a set of three? The distance I will be throwing is around 20 feet. Thanks.
Old Gill Hibben (big) and Cold Steel TFT are OK IMHO. I would start with one rotation though (it's 12feet for a handle grip), before trying two rotations' throws (20 feet)
I've only been throwing a few months now. I started off with a set of mini Hibbens, the ones that are 6" or so. Strong little buggers. They're not going to chip unless it lands hard on a rock, and they haven't bent the slightest bit. From 12 feet out I get 1-1/2 turns due to their small size. It's easy to overpower them, but once you compensate for the lack of size they're fun to throw.

This may sound like heressy to all the knife lovers here.Maybe it is heressy but I just bought a pack of medium size tent-pins.
30cm long, perfectly balanced :) didn't quite manage to bent one (yet).And at a $1-, apiece an unbeatable price.

I'm remarkable happy w my purchase.

As an added bonus nobody will look at you suspiciously when you carry a whole stack of 'm in the outside. . . .
I don't know... the weird looks when I cart a bunch of 12"-14" long handleless kitchen knives outside is part of the fun. :D
heydi ho, :)

Thought I'd share some more knife abuse experience(s) .So other ppl will know what to break first .

Anyways: Other then the tent pins. (by all means still a very good choice. they still haven't bend. )

All time fave :
- Richardson 'Laser' kitchen knife .It's not very expensive (around $12-,) quite heavy and fairly balanced. Not 2 mention for sale everywhere.

-CS spike is excellent .I've bought a cheap imitation and it throws beautifully .

tried the CRKT folder since it was so small & concealable but the liner lock bend out of place very quickly .bad choice.

Has anyone here tried the CS Delta dart and CAT tanto ? I'm curious how they wear (out) . . .
Interesting that no one's mentioned custom throwing knives. They can be had for about $40 and sometimes less, since all a real target thrower needs to be is durable. I've also seen some nicely modified lawn mower blades that function quite well, if you feel capable of making one. Great throwers are really all over the place, just gotta keep your eyes and mind open.
Originally posted by JClaude42
Interesting that no one's mentioned custom throwing knives. They can be had for about $40 and sometimes less, since all a real target thrower needs to be is durable.

Well, thing is the idea of 'throwing knife' is outlawed here . . .:(
Which is ,like most laws completely rediculous.Since you can throw almost anything.
I believe they will be outlawed in Germany as well beginning of next year.

Europe Sux for weapon enthousiasts.
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
A simple Ka-Bar makes a great thrower.
Very true, both sizes work quite well. I learned of them from Blackie Collin's book on knifethrowing. He also mentioned the Benchmark Ninja as an excellent choice. Haven't been able to get my hands on one though.
I too have heard they're proper throwers.
However a Ka-bar does come in at about $32-,

Maybe I'm just cheap. I usually throw cheap stuff, anything over $18-, makes me get all nervy over throwing it :)

Think I'll order me a set of those delta dart thingies . . .

The delta darts you speak of are a form of plastic and way too light to work decently.

Do a search on angle knife should help

I think for a beginner a blazing arrow-hands down- is the best starter. They are inexpensive and accurate.
As mentioned above, you can throw about any thing and make them stick, when I was in the Navy, had to work on base remodeling an office, stripping out the old paneling, had a paint brush with a round pointed handle...went in nicely to that paneling! :)

Also Screw drivers are quite handy and once you get the feel for throwing, you can become quite accurate. It's good to learn to feel the weight of things, visualize how they will travel through the air, sounds okey, but become the knife is really a true statement, some just rely on basic throwing but I throw and feel the weight/balance and position of the knife in my hand as I throw, got my daughters involved and they love it. They easily out throw their boy friends, who look on a little nervously as the knife sinks into the target!

Word of caution, when throwing at targets that have rounded edges, such as poles/trees, the knife can careen off the curve and come
sailing right back at you! so you better be on your toes! Also throwing at live trees isn't such a good idea.

Good luck, I'll have to check into those 12" nails! on board ship a guy asked me if I could throw anything, I picked up a welding rod and stuck it into some plywood near by...he smiled...;)
What ever you get, get 3 or more of them. Much easier to learn if you don't have to walk to the target every time you throw. Even really good throwing knives are inexpensive compared to real knives, but because you need to have a set, the price adds up. Those long tent-stake nails are an excellent way to start. The most important thing is weight. Heavy is always better and easier to throw.