Whats my NIB 1990 Buck 560 XLTi worth?


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2002
I paid $58.00 in 1990.
Still NIB with sheath, box and papers.
Thinking about selling / trading it.
Whats the going rate?
I want to put it up for sale / trade on the
forum here. I'm just not sure what to ask?
Just looking for a (todays) "fair/ballpark"
ammount.I dont want to look like a fool with too
high of a price, and dont want to just
give it away either. Any Buck 110 experts
out there?
I'm not an expert, but I do collect and since no one else is giving you any info....

I spend quite a bit of time looking at various autcion sites, searching for the ultimate "Buck Deal!" Right now I can tell you I know where there are 2 - 560's being sold. One is the all black version, going rate is between $60-$70, and the other is similiar to yours - opening bid is around $45. From my own point of view, both of these price ranges seem reasonable to me.
Keep in mind, that, as I stated, I am NOT an expert. I just do a lot of looking.... and I only indicated what I've seen recently. There may be a higher market out there for it... who realy knows until you test the water.

Good Luck !!!