What's the Best oil to use on my canvas micarta?

Maybe we could get hooked in with a women's beach volleyball circuit. They could be a great source of body oil.

It looks like the oil was absorbed on this one and needs another application...

If you want a virgin safe queen, leave it alone.
The fuzzy, crisp look is all the rage!

If you want a user with darker Micarta, use it:thumbup:

It's quite easy;)
A great big +1 on the mineral oil. After all my years in nursing, this is my favorite use for the stuff, hands down! :D Apply as needed, wipe off the excess, makes that micarta look great! :thumbup:

My in-home nurse agrees :cool: :thumbup:

I use Mineral Oil a lot, and good old Hoppes #9 Gun Lube oil works well, also. I showed these before, I used a silicone shoe polish sponge, I bought a new one in Neutral, that I don't use on my shoes.It came out fine. Top one is stock, lower is the sponge. A little slick, until it dries in.

Has anyone here ever tried linseed oil?
Its what I use on wooden axe handles.
Not sure what it would do to micarta.
I use them. If the micarta is too light, it probably means the blade coating is too rough as well. Using them makes both smoother and more colorful. So to speak.
Not enough curves on her for me to add a coat of oil. Looks like she's missing something?
Mineral oil. Yes, you'll have to reapply from time to time...but it's non-toxic, food safe, etc. And...it makes Tigerhide pop. :thumbup:
Zombie blood. Get it? :D :p

But really, it's hard to go wrong with good mineral oil. ;)
I don't use any oil on micarta, but also not so concerned about it being pretty. It get's greasy, bloody, dirty, sweaty, ect, and if it seems nasty I just wash with dish soap and repeat.
Mineral oil. Yes, you'll have to reapply from time to time...but it's non-toxic, food safe, etc. And...it makes Tigerhide pop. :thumbup:

Wow! It really does Jaxx. Those colours are beautiful!