What's the first knife you think of?

Two come to mind....The Behemoth, and the rare and elusive Nimrod Special Edition Satin Jack.:)
Battle Mistress.................That's why the new line Jerry is going to release will have a huge, 10.5" blade one it.:p
It used to be the Steel Heart, but now it's 50/50 with the Active Duty.
The Killer B is the knife that got me interested in Busse. I saw the ads for that thing in gun mags and I though, man I have to check these guys out. I never bought the Killer B, but those ads led to my Steelheart-E. I think the Steel Heart, no matter what pattern, is the knife that says Busse to me.
If you'd have asked this before christmas I'd have said a Bm or maybe a SH.

But now I'll have to say My Active Duty Variant..... I just can't seem to put it down.:D
I think of the only Busse I have right now. The ACTIVE DUTY. I love that little knife.:D Can't wait for the CG Uncle Mofo.
While the is not a Busse knife that I dislike, I do like some more than others. The essence of Busse if you will is the Steel Heart for me. It embodies the qualities and traits that come to mind when you think of Busse Knives. While Jerry's skills and talent have lent themselves to sucessful model after successful model, one can not argue that the big, tough, thick "do anything" knives is what probably first come to mind when you think of Busse. That's my two cents anyway.
Straight handled SH-II

The SH came out before the BM. The SH design in A2 got my attention in the early to mid nineties. The SH got me interested in Busse knives.
