**What's the price on the new Super CQC7?**


Jul 3, 2000
What's the price on the new Super CQC7? Is it production or custom? Is it satin hard chrome finish? Is it limited run only?
I believe that only like 4 of these knives have been released. They are all customs and have Ti bolsters and I think that they are satin finished. I think all of them have been marked "Prototype" and they have ranged in price upwards of $1600.00.
From info I gathered elsewhere, I think a production Super 7 is coming out as well.
The CQC7 is one of my all time favorite designs. Will the Super CQC7 cost as much as the Super Commander?
So far the story is that:

Super 7 with wave
Mini 7 with wave
The kerambit
the 10
and the Auto (going to be made by gerber)

are going into regular production, John Holister gave the low down on emerson@shot on USN

My guess is that the super 7 will not have the same price as the super commander, i suspect that emerson wants to keep the Commander as their flagship knife so i would bet on subcommander prices for the lot of them with perhapse the exception of the kerambit and the auto.
i have heard the Tac persian might go production?(sounds like bull****) is there a chance it might? I need to sastisfy my curiosity.
Originally posted by LordChunkyFat
i have heard the Tac persian might go production?(sounds like bull****) is there a chance it might? I need to sastisfy my curiosity.

As far as i know that has been the plan from the beginning.
There should be an upcoming production version of the Persian, one wicked blade... :eek:

Myself has the karambit urge, and it is a huge urge...
The Kerambit has my interest, too...
And now that I have the P-sark, the specwar handle has me, too, so I may bite for one of the SOFCKs...

Argh. I can't afford this habit.
I love the new EKI production Super CQC-7 waved but the $219.95 price is higher than my budget. I've been trying to decide between the super 7 and the Cuda Maxx stilleto. I'm swaying towards the Cuda Maxx stilleto because it's D2, ti, longer blade plus the price is $166.99. Even if I get the super 7 under the msrp price, I doubt that it will be $166.99.
Emerholics! Check out www.tripleaughtdesign.com cause they are now retailing the Production Tac Persian for USD$144.95!:eek: I'm getting one myself since i can't afford the custom version. Anyway, does anyone have a sneek preview of the super 7?
