What's the stupidest thing you done?



I bet we have all done something stupid that was funny once we corrected it, learned from it or realized we were still alive after we did it......here are a couple of mine.

Once left a small Drop Point Hunter in the oven to desolder the gruard to make a change. I forgot it and when I remembered it the old controllerless oven had melted the brass guard and the brass had mixed with the silver solder on the blade. I was really pissed but when it cooled the remaing brass and silver solder had fused to the blade and formed a design that looked like a mountain meadow trees on the horizon! I sold the knife to someone who has it proudly displayed as a work of art! I kid you not.

I once tried to balance a sisal buff by trimming it with a Bowie knife while it was doing 1700 rpm's. Lucky to be alive...just a scar.

What have you others done that I should avoid?

[This message has been edited by Ruppe (edited 10-25-98).]
One time I ordered a "fish" sandwich at a greesy truck stop in the middle of Ohio.

This is not something I suggest.
Left a bowie in the vice one day when the phone rang .. Told myself SELF dont run into that bowie on the way back . Sure as heck 8 stiches in the forarm DUH..
I also had a sandwich at that truck stop YUCK
You guys don't have enough time to hear all of mine. It got better at 40 years, that's when I started buying motorcycles.
With respect to knives, my uncle used to say "if you cut yourself with a knife you would have shot yourself with a gun".
I bought a burrito in a truck stop in a state where "south of the border" means "south of the Canadian border." Never do that. Not as bad, though, as the burritos the LA cops bought for a bunch of us off the "roach coach" behind Parker Center after they had "invited" us to an involuntary tour of the place at the end of a loud political demonstration.


Set myself on fire with a Dremel flex shaft
Was slitting a guard out of 416 & had a pair
of optivisors on...didn't notice 'till the
smell of burning "T" shirt & chest hairs wafted
up to my nostrils.
That's the only one I'll 'fess up to at the
present time ;^]
Well, I was once fishing the links out of a badly jammed M-60, and the bolt slammed forward, loading my PINKY into the chamber.
Broke it in 2 places... and of course the Army's fix was to just tape it to my ring finger... so now my pinky is zig-zagged.
That was pretty stupid.

Of course there was the time I was making a sandwich and dropped the Henkle kitchen knife on the floor...forgot to pick it up because I was trying to balance my "Dagwood" then - BAREFOOTED - stepped on the handle... bracing the knife with my right so it could slice even deeper my left foot, as I took the next step. Now that was stupid. But - I didn't drop my Dagwood... that would have been worse.
I had butterfly stitches on hand I used on my foot... then wrapped it tightly... not TOO BAD, but I did miss Conan O'brian's opening monolog.