Whats Up with the cold weather?

Jan 6, 2003
I bought a 15"AK from another formilite and I doubt my mailman will want to leave the post office to bring it.
Being this cold gets old quick. Last week we had a high of 20 and a low of -26, with most days avg. high 10, low -10. The dogs have no use for that weather and they are snow dogs. When it's 20 they will spend all day outside in the snow. I liked last winter. Got the snowblower out total of 3 times and half the winter was too warm to snow. Of course then I call my dad down in Texas and get "I have to go out and cut the yard, we are running the A/C cause it's so warm."
I think I was 6 the last time, and only time, I literally built a snowman in my front yard. I go to school in Waco, but am from Dallas. Now we sometimes get snow like flurries, but all we really have to do is watch for ice on bridges. (And that usually melts by noon or so...)
:p ;)

I wouldent come down here if I was you guys though, being a Yank and all, you would melt in the summer. ;) :p :D
snow? this is a picture of Snow laying on top of her sister Brown Brown
Reno has been warm. We have been in the mid 50s for a couple of weeks now and nights are low 30s, not freezing. This is 10 or 15 degrees above normal. I'm waiting for Feb. to turn things around.

Cute pix by the way.
I think there is only one solution for those here suffering with cold weather: Buy a Bigger Khukuri for more wood:D. Its not an excuse to buy another if you Really need it:D.
Nice picture of the cats. Showed my wife, she said "that's so cute."
Indiana has had 2-3 weeks of really cold weather, single digit and below (farenheit) and snow. It usually gets cold here in winter, but usually no snow stays. It reminds me of living up on lake Erie in PA, I have never seensuch continued cold plus good snow out here.

Cold? What cold? I swear we've been having a freaking heat wave here in Minnesota. Ive been enjoying the lovely warm weather, working on my tan, and a few outdoor cookouts.:D Shorts and bikini weather here:eek: :cool:
I live down in Wisconsin, where we get the weather after you are through with it, and either you are living in a Geo-Globe, or you have been working too closely with some of your resins and thinners.

Yesterday, I saw a bird...frozen in flight. Just stopped in the air, probably won't fall until it warms up.

Stay warm. Don't inhale those fumes.