What's Wrong With This Picture???

Dec 28, 2003
Can you believe this? My profession is Quality Assurance. I'm SUPPOSED to be a picky detail-oriented anal-retentive pain in the rear and notice EVERYTHING.

And yet I was so happy to get this YCS almost THREE MONTHS ago, and write and tell you all about it, that I neglected to see something really "duh!" obvious, and now it's too late to do anything about it. Like waking up clueless and drugged I just happened to notice it today.

Go ahead and look at the previously posted pic and tell me what's wrong. 10 HI brownie points to the first guy who notices the obvious problem. It's the last pic in the series showing all the knives in their sheaths.



Mr. Quickly Becoming Oblivious or Senile, I can't remember which... :confused: :D

Bingo! I, uh, KNEW that! Yeah, that's it. Knew it all along! Good eye Nasty! You passed my little test. (-:

Can't believe I paid $225 for a knife and waited a dozen weeks only to not notice it didn't come with a frog!

Geez. I'm going to go hide in the corner now... :footinmou

Oh, well, guess I can borrow a frog from another khuk if I have to, but this one obviously got lost in the big shipment of a dozen YCS's at once. Wished I had noticed at the time!

Hey! Anyone else get an extra frog with their YCS?


Uncle has dozens of frogs laying around...probably has yours and doesn't know what to do with it....

That said - I will gladly give you mine to ease your pain.

I was planning a new sheath anyway. This one will never get carried.

Looking closely at the pic. Appears their is a belt loop right beneath the kardas and awl. No frog but belt loop built on sheath.
I use my 'Old Peoples' Magnifying glass program and it still looks like a belt loop is built onto the section where the kardas and awl are holstered.
How about a pic of the sheath , empty and on its side.
lcs37 said:
Looking closely at the pic. Appears their is a belt loop right beneath the kardas and awl. No frog but belt loop built on sheath.
I use my 'Old Peoples' Magnifying glass program and it still looks like a belt loop is built onto the section where the kardas and awl are holstered.
How about a pic of the sheath , empty and on its side.

I noticed that as well, but it's not strong enough to support the weight of the knife and all the go with its. I think it's just extra leather that they wrap over and nail down.

No big; I just saw another YCS later that had the frog and realized I had glossed over it.


Daniel Koster said:
Uncle has dozens of frogs laying around...probably has yours and doesn't know what to do with it....

That said - I will gladly give you mine to ease your pain.

I was planning a new sheath anyway. This one will never get carried.


Thanks Dan, but the more I think about it the less important it is. Just surprised myself by not noticing it for so long. When I do that kind of thing it makes me wonder what other obvious things I have been missing lately! :eek:

Any frog from a similar sized knife will work fine, so I should have several to choose from should I need it, and as you say if I do actually _carry_ mine it will probably be in a different sheath / scabbard, just for convenience sake.

Thanks for offering anyway!


donutsrule said:
Aint ya just supposed to tuck the whole thing into the sash of your smoking jacket? :confused:

That's right! But for some reason I can't find my smoking jacket!? I know I left that thing around here somewhere!


You probably left that in your new Mercedes...what? You can't find that either?
I don't have a sash, a smoking jacket, or a pair of pointy recurved shoes like Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Or a fez, neither.

But I can picture somebody wearing that gig and laugh!

I mean, seriously. What if you were out in the woods, and along comes another dude in cammies, rifle, GPS, etc. But then you can't help but notice his bright orange velvet SASH, with a kothimoda stuck through it.

Though possibly a forumite, I'd probably just grunt "Howyadoin'"

Like a monkey wearing a fez, it's just funny.

AA :rolleyes: :D :confused: ;) :p :footinmou
Don't feel too bad. If you remember my review of mine I did the whole thing is so top heavy the frog doesn't work anyway. Actually the whole getup is way too heavy to carry anyway.

The good news (for me) is that the Sgt. Karka Special I just got has a sheath that fits the YCS like a glove so I NOW have a way to carry it if I want. I think I may have somebody make me seperate sheaths for the kardas.
Perhaps a double (left & right) shoulder holster type setup?
Anybody interested in a special YCS Sheath Tutorial?

If so, I'll draw something up....maybe we could start a new thread....take down ideas, etc.

The final sheath design would be open to discussion - as would materials, techniques, etc.

The end result would be a list of supplies with the cost itemized and then a photo tutorial showing how to make the sheath - hopefully in a way that would be able to be duplicated by beginners as well as more advanced sheathmakers.

Sound good to anybody?
Methinks it would maybe give some the confidence to try something new, always a good thing.:)
:) An excellent idea! :)

I can't be the only khuk user who'd like a more practical way to carry in the field.

I'd vote for a quick-draw style. I'd think it would be among the simplest, though we'd have to come up with a good solution for the tools.