What's Your Holiday Traditional Knife Carry?!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2016
The Holidays are some of my favorite times of the year. Family, friends, football, traditions and making great memories are my favorite reasons why I love the holiday season! I'm interested in what everybody will be carrying this holiday season!?

Here is my holiday carry. Two micarta beauties. Great action on both knives and very easy to carry! Good workhorse knives that I'm not afraid to use. Plus, they are Green and Red!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Same thing I carry every other day.
A Buck 110, a (large) Stockman, and a Scout/Camp knife or SAK Huntsman.

I might switch up a little this year and drop a moose or trappee in my pocket to keep the stockman and scour/camp/Huntsman company.

I doubt I'll go nuts/crazy and replace the 110 on my belt with a Mora No.1 ... but that's not to said I won't ...
Taylor, I do 'holiday carry' too! :thumbsup:

Last year I got a SAK Sportsman Christmas Special Edition specifically to carry in December and it is in my pocket today. It has white scales with a Xmas tree on them.

Wishing you and your family the best this season. :)
Taylor, I do 'holiday carry' too! :thumbsup:

Last year I got a SAK Sportsman Christmas Special Edition specifically to carry in December and it is in my pocket today. It has white scales with a Xmas tree on them.

Wishing you and your family the best this season. :)
Thanks! Back to yours as well.
Candy stripe seems appropriate this time of year. I think I will add these to my carry rotation for the rest of the season.
This may not be the appropriate place to ask this question but do you guys consider a russlock to be a traditional knife?
I had to think of one to post here, a few of my top choices are packed away at a friends house, since I have been traveling a bit. Won’t get those back until sometime after the new year.

It may be the one in my pocket now, Lion Steel Shuffler. May also carry the green Alox Farmer.

I have no knife that I traditionally carry but ALL of my family knows that I will have a knife in my pocket to help open gifts on Christmas day . This year I will try to remember to carry the 2 favorite knives received this year . Both are Way North Cutlery Lambfoot . The Jigged Bone and a Special 1 of 27 made .

I have no knife that I traditionally carry but ALL of my family knows that I will have a knife in my pocket to help open gifts on Christmas day . This year I will try to remember to carry the 2 favorite knives received this year . Both are Way North Cutlery Lambfoot . The Jigged Bone and a Special 1 of 27 made .

Great choice Harry!!
What I carry in any given week is primarily determined by my weekly rotation schedule. That schedule doesn't take seasons or time of year into account. The current schedule was set up in late August and will run for 52 weeks; when it runs out, I'll set up a new schedule that incorporates any new knives I've acquired since I last composed a schedule, and then I'll let that one run until it ends, and the process begins again.

I peeked ahead to the week of Christmas, and don't see any knives on that week's schedule that I'd consider very Christmasy. But, in addition to the knives dictated by my schedule, I usually select a couple of "free choice" knives to carry each week as a way of maintaining the tension between determinism and free will! ;) So that will allow me to carry seasonal knives if I want to. Starting next week and continuing through the week of Christmas, and perhaps a week beyond that, I'll try to select some holiday knives as my free choice pair each week.

I'm sure that for Christmas week itself, this gigantic (4.5" IIRC) spear/spey canoe will be a free choice knife:

Other holiday possibilities might include:
a red/green pair of mini canoes

or a pair of red stockman knives

or maybe I'l rekindle memories by carrying some knives I've received as Christmas gifts from myself or others! :thumbsup::cool:

- GT