When to stop using CA address for Warranty Service?

Jun 11, 1999
Greetings: Firstly, I wish everyone at Buck a smooth transition to the new location. Here's my question: Is there a cutoff date to stop sending knives to El Cajon for warranty service? I have a PCKS 110 with asian water buffalo scales and polished blade. It has nickel silver bolsters. I was going through my knife collection, yesterday, and noticed that this knife has no "snap" at all when closing. Then, I noticed the blade is way off center, almost rubbing the handle. I was thinking of making this knife my "Saturday Night Semi-Dress" belt carry piece. So, I would like for it to actually work. Can I mail this to California or is there a new address I should use? Thank you all, and good luck at your new place. Sincerely, Rob Goode (L1513)
ok, I'll answer my own question. After some research, I see they won't be moving until 2004. I just thought the way my regular Buck 110 closes without having to be pushed all the way shut, is how a Buck knife is supposed to work. Am I correct in this, or should I have to push the blade all the way closed, by hand?
Thanks again, Rob
I remember there was a problem with the website and I kept getting brass bolsters after selecting nickel silver. So, this will be this knife's second time back. Could the nickel silver bolsters caused the spring to weaken, if they were too tight? oh, well, I trust Buck will do their best and we will get this knife working properly.