where does the beauty stop? amazing umfaan

Interesting knife, but I actually prefer the plain version.
This one is a bit too "guilding the lily" for my taste.
Can't wait until Chris comes out with the new Umfaan.
New Umfaan.......

No clip please !!!!

Identical pattern or wood on both sides, the plain back lock side is a disappointment after viewing the decorated front.

Oh, did I mention no clip, removing the clip still leaves a shiny rub mark on an otherwise perfect knife.

hehehe. i hate to disagree (and there is no reconciliation between the clip v. no clip parties), but a clip on a folding knife is a necessity. if the tool is to be used, it must bereadily available. a clip ensures easy carry regardless of dress, as well as being unobtrusive. a knife that is not being carried or is not easily accessible has significantly less useage or tool value than a knife that is easy to carry. hence, imho a clip is a MUST for a folding knife! especially in one that is as small as an umfaan or similar, which could otherwise easily fall out of pocket or out of a sheath ... :D
I would wager that if you polled the BF group,,,,more knives have been lost due to clips than falling out of pockets or sheaths.

I have lost two and one friend has lost three, all cliped to front pockets,,,I continue to use clips on some hard use knives by BM and Spyderco. My Sebenza and Mnandi knives ride in leather pouches or sheath.

CRK would please many of us if they just would use a thin piece of plastic under the clip to prevent the marking scuff on the locking bar when the clip is removed.

Clipless for me as well.
Still looking for that "be all, end all" wallet knife.
Soooooo, keep it slim, will ya? ;)
Depends on the sheath whether the Umfaan gets lost. I lost mine out of a William Henry sheath (found it luckily), but have NEVER had a problem with my G2 sheath. Holds it tight and has done so for well over a year. Since I carry my Umfaan in its sheath daily, it is always at the ready.

Great looking knife at Knife Art. Kinda pricey ;)

I agree on the G2 sheath with excellent retention.

A friend lost his William Henry knife out of the WH pocket clip sheath! He tore up the house and furniture looking for it, still MIA.
