Where has David Baker (davidb415) been?? Read to find out.....

Oct 3, 1998
Just want to let you know why our moderator has been absent. I just got off the phone with him a few minutes ago, and he is at home resting comfortably after having shoulder surgery this past Thursday. The surgery went very well, and he is expected to make a full recovery with the help of physical therapy. He asked me to make this post for him and to let you guys and gals know that it will still be a while till he gets around to checking email or the forums.

If you wish, please leave your wishes for a speedy recovery here, or email him at dbaker4@carolina.rr.com. Please keep him and his wife, Martha, in your thoughts and prayers as he recuperates.

We miss you on the forums, David! Let us know when you are back on the block.
Thanks Dexter, I was wondering. David, Barbara and I wish you a full and speedy recovery. I hope the surgery hasn't interfered with your knife play. :p
Hope he gets well soon! Tell him General wishes him the best of luck and a speedy recovery:D . He will be in such a hurry to keep an eye on me again, he will heal twice as fast;) !
I knew that playing with that HUGE Mad Maxx would cause him some sort of wear and tear on the joints.:p

Seriously, I hope you get back in working order real fast David.
Having my own fair share of shoulder troubles, I can relate!
Get well soon David, best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!

(It was all that thread locking that did it!)
Hey.......Where's the knife content??? Just kidding!:p

Hope your feeling better soon David!!

--The Raptor--

Here's to a speedy recovery! If ya need help breaking in (not BREAKING) ANY of your numerous toys, just let me know :D Best wishes to you and Martha from Denna and I.

Take care,
If there is tennis elbow, why can't there be blade-flickers shoulder?
Thanks to all of you who sent notes and cards.It is nice to feel wanted around here:)
So is you now the broke-shoulder bastid?

Seriously, can't imagine having to keep an arm still for an extended period, hope it speeds along to full recovery!

Hi David... I'm glad to hear that you are doing well!:) I hope that your therapy goes well also, so you can be back to 100% again soon.<p>Lets do some trading.:D <b>Take care buddy!</b>
Hi David,

You have been missed and I'm glad you are on the mend. Are you covering up accidentally stabbing yourself in the shoulder? ;)

Originally posted by davidb415
Thanks to all of you who sent notes and cards. It is nice to feel wanted around here:)

Now David, where do I get this sneaky suspicion this "feeling" may wear off quickly. ;)

Seriously, take care and mend quickly!
Take care of yourself and get well soon, David. Your wisdom is much missed.

Take care of yourself. Come back when you're ready.

No matter how much we all want to feel needed (as evidenced by a couple of threads that seem to be taking over right now) the world will go on while we take a break. Not that we want to get rid of you (quite the contrary), but it's better to take the time to do things right, including recovery from surgery.

Do it right. We'll be here and glad to see you when you can.
