Where Is A Good Place To Buy Knives? Wholesale Or Just Plain Cheap!

Aug 20, 2000
Doesn't Matter If They Require A Business License Or Not It's All Good Reply With Sites, Catalogs, ANYTHING
Come On Guys (And Gals Too) Recommend Many Good Places But Don't To Forget To Support The Forum Once And A While And Shop 1SKS But For All The Other Times What Are Some Good Places Out There?
WEll Mr. AVENGER That Is A Good Question With A Good Answer. Why Stop At 50% Off Of Retail Maybe I Can Get It For Cheaper It Is Worth The Try And It Dosent Take Much Time To Have This Post So Why Not?
If you finde'm for less than 50% off retail, email me and let me know..I'll change distributors..........


Don't think he is talking about quality knives like we sell...if he is, please tell me too and I will change distributors.

Chief’s Cutlery Authorized Microtech Dealer

These two guys are good. Brian at Discount Knives is an honest man, and he's always treated me as a valuable customer. He sent me free Tuf-Cloth before.

My favorite dealer is definately Mike Payne at Knives and Things. He has always taken good care of me. Sometimes he even sends my merchandise before I even can buy the money order and mail it to him. He has earned my loyalty as a customer and friend. When I went to buy my Microtech Manual SOCOM, he was the first person I went to. Thanks Mike.


Chang and the Rebels of the East
(Southern Taiwan Shall Rise Again!)
Some offer Quality.

Some offer Price.

Some offer Customer Service.

Few offer all of the above.

Give us a try:



Happy New Year

BarnZ (SHOT booth #4236)

1-818-786-9488 (9-5 PST)

Proud Bladeforums.com SPONSOR & MODERATOR!
Please accept my personal invitation to join the new product announcement and special sale list at our web site.<p> http://www.DeltaZ-Knives.com
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by sgj165:
I Currently Can Get Knives For 50% Off Of Retail Can Any One Do Better Than That</font>

No, but I can do a cartwheel; so there!

I believe that the home shopping network sells knives for a fraction of the retail prices if you buy in bulk... probably the more you can buy the cheaper you can get as with some garden products such as manure?

God Bless-paul

[This message has been edited by tallpaul (edited 12-31-2000).]
Depends on what kind of knife you are looking to buy. For most knives, manual, I'd go with Fred at www.knifeoutlet.com.

For autos, I'd go strictly Microtech, and deal with LRRP at SOFKnives@aol.com.

