Where to get LOTR sword - Andursil

Feb 21, 2002
Anyone know a "reliable" AND "cheap" place to get the lord of the rings sword - andursil. This the limited edition sword thats featured in the upcoming return of the king movie. Thanks a bunch
If you do a google search on LOTR swords its pretty easy to find an online dealer that carries wall hanger models of all of them, although I can't say for sure if they have that particular one, has the movie its in come out yet?
I did a little research on them because I had a guy who wanted me to make a working version of the sting sword. I don't think anyone makes functional models, but I beleive it was United seemed to be making all the different swords from the main characters.

Find a dealer on google and ask about the here.
For that matter, you might try www.knifecenter.com, they seem to carry a good reputation here and a section dedicated to swords.
Not to be picky, but it's Anduril (not andursil). Just in case you do a search or something, an incorrect spelling won't help you.
Before the sword was reforged it was called Narsil. After it was reforged it was Anduril. If you found one called Andursil it was likely a second rate immitation. There is even a website called Lord of the Ringers for cheap knock off wall hangers. The licensed LOTR swords are by United Cutlery and are made of basic 420J2 stainless. This is pretty soft, but that makes it a little less likely to break than some stainless. The Anduril model has an inscription on the blade that makes it extra expensive.
I was hoping someone had some personal experience with a specific online retailer and could recommend me to them. I know it's very easy to find online dealers through google and that is not the problem. My concern is whether these guys are shady or not. Knifecenter was the first site I went on but I think they charge like 250? That is considerably more then the other dealers. I was hoping to pay something like 175-190 for it.

Benjamin Liu: Have you ordered from knives plus before? Are they good to do business with? Their price seems to be decent

Thanks guys
The problem may be to find someone who has stock. The limited production run of 5,000 is not a lot given the popularity of LOTR over the last 50 years. Places that I checked seemed to be sold out.

I have not dealt with them before, but the Mithrilarmoury.com looked like they would be a likely place to get restocked.

Good luck.
I've ordered from them off and on since 1997, including 3 times this year. The prices and service are good.