Where's Fowler???

Sep 30, 1999
Is my old eyesight going or was Knife Talk with Ed Fowler missing from the March issue of Blade?
Ed or Angie, you around?
Dave, your eyesight is failing you. Knife talk is on page 18 of the March issue of Blade. In this issue the article is written my Mike Miller, Ed's friend and personal physician. There is a note from Ed at the beginning of the article.
Thanks Keith, found it.
Wonder why Knife Talk wasnt listed in the spotlight contents where it usually is. Oh well. And since it was listed in the contents with Mr. Miller as author I didnt recognize it.
Well, they say the eyesight is the second thing to go:D
(LOL, speed is the first)
Gotta confess I fumbled around looking for it too. (Of course fumbling around in a knife mag can be a very good thing :D).
Knife Talk is the first thing I go to when I get the new Blade. When I couldn't find it in the content page I thought I had the wrong mag. I then searched for Ed's Pronghorn add but no knife talk there either. Looked at cover again to make sure I had the right mag. Finally fond Knife Talk but Ed was not the writer. Finally fond the note from Ed and read on. Enjoyed the article. Knife Talk is my favorite part of Blade.

Greetings from the Willow Bow Ranch!!
All is well, so you can relax; Ed is doing fine....I am glad that I keep him from getting a BIG head!!! You guys are really something. Thank you for reading Blade Mag, and for looking for Ed's articles. You folks notice everything. Very flattering for Ed, and I really thank you all!!! I keep a metal hat on his head so his head will not swell!!! LOL
thanks again,
angie fowler:D