I remember things more or less as Bill did. The magazine started out really strong. I remember being uncomfortable with the editorial style, but the magazine's content made up for it. I'd seen articles with good critical reviews, pointing out subtle things that worked or that didn't work. One article showed how to take the Gerber Applegate-Fairbairn completely apart, remove all the gunk, and reset the weights so that it felt better in the hand. Good information well-layed out, with Walker's shrill and bullying editorial style being only a moderate distraction. Early Fighting Knives was the best knife magazine I had ever seen, and nothing to this day matches it.
As the magazine went on, however, I think some of the other contributors started taking on Walker's style a bit, and Walker himself just got completely out-of-hand. Then came the silliness, such as his series on which knife "goes" with which gun. Walker got full of himself, the writing got worse, and Fighting Knives faded away.