Here I am Bro.
Been kinda under the weather with a _real_ literal pain in the arse the last few days and haven't felt like sitting at the desk.
I finally got an appointment today for the 31st for a corticosteroid injection, in the meantime I am doing another prednisone push. I should be better tomorrow if it acts the same as it did when we were in Phoenix.
And we have been incredibly busy with the chores that piled up over 3 weeks we were gone.
Hopefully I will be better by morning, I was the last time. Twelve hours can make a lot of difference.
Tornadoes were walking all over Oklahoma last night.
There were 19 touchdowns reported in several different areas and thankfully no one was hurt or killed although there was quite a lot of damage to some homes and businesses.
And yet that wasn't as bad as it could have been.
It was only a year or so ago that the F-5 with it's smaller funnels around it hit Oklahoma City and the surrounding area with some of the storms getting almost to Tulsa.
I completely unplugged my unit last night!!!!!
We had some beautiful light shows and a little wind last night, but everything pretty much passed us by.
Perhaps tomorrow I can catch up on all my e-mail.
I had 139 new messages when we got home!!!!!
Sorry for any worry or concernn I may have caused.
Indin word for lousy hunter.