Blade shape and type of edge are really nothing more than personal preference.
There are advantages and disadvadages to any type though I suppose. Tanto blade looks cool, and makes for a very strong tip, but won't slice as good as a normal blade and is harder to sharpen at the tip.
I personally buy pretty much only plain edge blades, as I think a sharp PE is just as good for everything as a serrated edge. I just dislike combo edges in general.
Sharpmaker is a great choice for a sharpening system, it really doesn't get much easier to use IMO. I would suggest you buy a course benchstone to use with it though, in case you want to reprofile an edge. Sharpmaker is great for keeping knives sharp, but it can take a LONG time to get to the edge if the bevel isn't already at one of its preset angles.
Now all this stuff is just my opinion, so take it or leave it.
Enjoy your Grip. Also consider the Cabelas version in D2 (blade steel, quite a bit better at edge retention that 440C) if you don't mind spending a little more.