Which multi for these requirements

Sep 29, 2005
Wife wants to ge me a multi for my birthday. I own one of the original lethermans and occasionally carry it on belt in the sheath. Thinking through my requirements, I'd guess they look somehting like this in general order of priority.

1. Pliers
2. Absolutely No larger than original leatherman in closed position. Smaller is fine. Will carry in sheath, I don't carry stuff like this in my pocket or with clip.
3. #2 phillips
4. flat blade screw driver
5. wire cutter
6. file
7. ruler on handle
8. Knife blade, either serrated or plain, but absoultly no combo edges. Currently Carry a plain edge spyderco clipit most often for the knife tasks. Might leave the spyderco home if the knife blade on the multi is good enough and can be opened one handed. Or, may carry both if the multi can't pass muster in the knife department, and use the multi primarily for the pliers and such.
9. Ability to replace worn out tools would be nice I guess.

Other items: preferr simple to complex, robust to fancy, fewer moving parts to many moving parts, fewer tools with compact closed size vs many tools with large closed size etc.

Not sure if all these tools are made with rust resistant materials nowdays or not. This tool will get wet, it will get muddy to an extent, and I will clean it by running wather through it in my shop sink, and then blowing it dry with shop air.

Must be available for retail purchase (or online with expeidted shipping) within the next three days. Walmart, Costco, Target, Home depot, lowes.

I hear a lot about "one handed opening pliers of gerber". From a practical standpoint, is that really a big deal? If it is truely a useful feature, does the rest of the gerber tool stand up ok? Is the quality of tool overall ok?

Also, how do the separate bits work? This seems overly complex. Do you loose the bits, are they a pain to store, does this make the tool larger in the closed position?

This will be carried in a belt sheath so a good sheath, either with the tool or aftermarket will be key.

PS. I'm a costcoholic and just went to their site to find this sog tool. Is this any good? The problem with this one is I don't think they have it at their retail stores, must order online.

I do recall seeing a combo package of a leatherman.. I think it was the wave... also had a little letherman with scissors.

Then there is this one... although I don't want/need the knife.

Thanks for your help
Well, both tools you're looking at have the combination blade edges you said you absolutely didn't want, so I don't know if that eliminates them for you. The SOG's do have the ability to switch out the knife, if you can find a replacement. The Swisstool Spirit is very close to what you're describing, but it has no ruler from what I can see. I have the original Swisstool, and it's no bigger than my LM Supertool, but it's not a true needlenose plier and the wire cutting edges aren't as big as the LM. I had a chance to handle a Core, and found it to be a great tool that's probably closest to what you want, if you don't mind losing the ability to swap out parts. If the Core is bigger/heavier than the original LM, it's probably not enough to be important. Maybe you should go to the LM site and look at the specs there to compare it to your LM.

Personally, I have the Charge, the Swisstool, the SOG P60, and the LM Supertool. I'm going to buy the Core next. I think from what you're specifying, you'd be happiest with either the Swisstool or the Core.
I would go with the Spirit. The knife blade is not well designed, IMHO, but the rest of the tools are great and it's a relatively small package. If the knife blade bothers you that much look for the Wave or the Core. The Wave is lighter of the two and the blades are passable. If you really want to not bother carrying the knife look for the Charge. If you don't care about locking tools try the Leatherman Juice line. CS4 is on sale at the Target here.