WHICH version of the ARC LS?

Mar 19, 2001
The one piece head.. the two piece head... the one that has a flat cap with a larger diameter than the head or the cap cylinder is equal in diameter as the head... There are so many versions out there... I guess a model number would help too.. Thanks!
All of the current heads are the smaller diameter one-piece model.
The flat battery packs are no longer being made so you probably won't find one in the smaller diameter size but they will still work with the current heads.
The current clickie switches are all the smaller diameter but they'll also work with the older heads.
Arc doesn't really use visible model numbers.
The two-piece heads were marked "First Run" with a serial number.
The first one-piece heads are marked "LS2" with a serial number.
The latest two-piece heads might be marked differently because Arc seem to have abandoned the LS2 name for the names LSH or LSL (see below).
The two-piece heads had three different circuit board designs (at least).
The one-piece heads all have the same circuit board but some come with a low-dome LED (LSL) and some with a high-dome LED (LSH).
There is also a LSL-P and LSH-P which come with Premium LEDS, hand-sorted for whiteness and brightness.
THAT is a lot of info on a little light! EXACTLY what I was looking for. So... the One piece head with the rubber switch wounds like the way to go... eh?
People have been raving about the Premiums but I haven't tried one yet.
The non-premiums still seem pretty hit-and-miss with regards to beam color and brightness.
New Graham Knives has a sale on the LSL-P right now.

I just ordered an LS2 with a "High Dome" led w/ 1-123A "clickie switch" cap. I would have liked to have a "flat back" model, but I don't really like how the end cap is larger than the head. One more review to follow.
Originally posted by draftaman
I think that you can still order a "flat" ls body from arc's homepage

Just don't get your hopes up about it. I just received one and discovered that it will not work with my recently-made LS2 (LSH). It screws on just fine, but the light won't come on even when I tighten it down all the way. :(

Has anyone else run across this problem? Are there any workarounds for it? Arc responded to my email by telling me to give up... :grumpy:

--Bob Q
SH!T!!!!!!!!! I bought the flat back from arc! If it does not work I will expect a refund or I will leave BAD:barf: feedback. If what you say i strue (and I'm sure it is) this is NO WAY to treat potential repeat customers. It's not as if these things are affordable! If I told a regular human that I paid $100 for a LITTLE flashlight they'd probably stone me and throw me to the boars. NOBODY should stand for BAD BUSINESS. PERIOD. On the other hand... maybe you should try different batteries...:rolleyes:
I got my light... there were some QC issues... I sent it back... Review to follow when I get a light worth $100.
Bob, I would bet if you try again Arc will at least do something for you. You can try posting over in the Arc forum of candlepowerforums.com , as Peter Gransee (head of Arc) reads the forum frequently. Arc is known for paying attention to what the customer thinks and i'm sure they would want to make it right.

- Pete
From what I've read, the flat pack is battery dependent - works with some brands and not with others.
I'm not registered over on CPF, but I guess it's about time that I was. I will ask over there and see if I can get a better answer.

I am puzzled that the battery would make a difference. Are they really different lengths? I was trying to use a Duracell and it wasn't even close to working. :(

Thanks for the info and advice!

--Bob Q
PocketLights.com sells the flat 123A battery pack for the Arc LSL and LSH. I've tested the flat battery pack with Rayovac, Duracell and Sanyo batteries. All of these batteries work well. The flat battery pack makes your Arc LS much more compact. See photo below.

Originally posted by bquinlan
Are there any workarounds for it?
:grumpy: Bob Q

I think anything to just make the battery
alittle longer, Alum foil? Paper clip? Etc.

ARC is trying to get ride of the twist packs
because you can crush iether the battery or
the inside of the head if you screw it to tight.
I can't really blame them for not wanting to
deal with the fool that didn't stop twisting,
But I'm not about to change to that big funky switch :barf:

Don't really like how the new one-part heads look iether. :rolleyes:

Guess it's good I'm happy with my LS1 :D
Got the LS2 and the flat backed cap. The light is marked LS2-467, which, I guess is a serial number? The bottom line is that this light is bright! People have always reviewed it as "a bright led." It has a nice softness to it, but is definately very bright. Ever waken up in the middle of the night and tried to use a Surefire to lead throught the darkness. You know the drill.. YOU CANT POINT IT AT THE FLOOR without halfway blinding yourself. I did it this morning while letting my dogs out. WOAH! If you havent just awoken from slumber, it is just NICE AND BRIGHT! Shining into my dark garage last night from 50' away, it lit up the whole space!

The cap does work. (So far I've only used Duracell Ultra.) There is no spring to keep the battery in place while the light is off. That's right, the batteries shake around inside while it's off. I made up a little nylon washer as something of a bushing/spring and it seems to be working ok. I REALLY LIKE THE SIZE WITH THE FLAT BACK! My LS2 is the newest model... made on 2/12/03 and the flat back is the same diameter as the "clickie" back that came with it! I thought it was going to be larger in diameter like the two piece head models... but it's nice and symetrical.

$100 for a flashlight? I like it and will keep it. It is a bad ass light. It has a neato gadget factor. Size to brightness is incrdible. Did someone say 10 YEAR Warranty with a nice small company??? So, yes, I'll trade $100 for a flashlight.
Before the Clicky-switch packs, The LS had a little foam
ring (like the Arc-AAA) to keep the battery from rattleing,
Last I heard ARC still carryies thoes rings.
Try to e-mail them and ask, Should just cost you a SASE.

Oh, and i've used mine to light up an 80' x 60' room to work in :cool:
It is kinda bright ;)
man this is a cool light. Anyone with a spare Benjamin layin' around will not be dissapointed to see an Arc LSH make it's way to their pocket.