Got the LS2 and the flat backed cap. The light is marked LS2-467, which, I guess is a serial number? The bottom line is that this light is bright! People have always reviewed it as "a bright led." It has a nice softness to it, but is definately very bright. Ever waken up in the middle of the night and tried to use a Surefire to lead throught the darkness. You know the drill.. YOU CANT POINT IT AT THE FLOOR without halfway blinding yourself. I did it this morning while letting my dogs out. WOAH! If you havent just awoken from slumber, it is just NICE AND BRIGHT! Shining into my dark garage last night from 50' away, it lit up the whole space!
The cap does work. (So far I've only used Duracell Ultra.) There is no spring to keep the battery in place while the light is off. That's right, the batteries shake around inside while it's off. I made up a little nylon washer as something of a bushing/spring and it seems to be working ok. I REALLY LIKE THE SIZE WITH THE FLAT BACK! My LS2 is the newest model... made on 2/12/03 and the flat back is the same diameter as the "clickie" back that came with it! I thought it was going to be larger in diameter like the two piece head models... but it's nice and symetrical.
$100 for a flashlight? I like it and will keep it. It is a bad ass light. It has a neato gadget factor. Size to brightness is incrdible. Did someone say 10 YEAR Warranty with a nice small company??? So, yes, I'll trade $100 for a flashlight.