whie your buying all those knives

Mar 13, 2006
think about me.... kidney stone... i have been in bad shape throwing up, cold sweats, lots of pain, cant eat ot drink without throwing up, and feeling like total crap since wedensday,
today (saturday) i had it removed and still feel bad
i have let everything i was bidding on pass on to someone else, i just didnt care about much of anything. and some i really wanted at the time
just save me some for when i am better....
oh and my typeing sucks i know, just dont feel like spell checking or even rereading it....
take care my friends
Get better quick my friend. And don't worry about missing out on knives. We're buying them for you on your credit card!

Codger :thumbup:
Send me your address and I'll send you whatever you were bidding on (that I have in my collection) if it will make you feel any better. No joke, an honest offer from a fellow Schradeaholic.

Get better fast!

Best Regards,
oh boy sorry to hear about this. Hope you get to feeling better.
Mountainwind I feel your pain (literally). I have been having the same symptoms for about a week now. Mine is gall stones. They have been wanting to take it(gall bladder) out for a while but I didn't think it bothered me enough. I am starting to rethink my position. :) Hope you feel better soon!
thanks guys, and thanks for the offer kevin. the worst part is my vacation started saturday, it's the plant shutdown, so no choice there.
maybe i will get a couple of days to do something before next monday.
ahhhh morphine, good stuff.......
Mountainwind I feel your pain (literally). I have been having the same symptoms for about a week now. Mine is gall stones. They have been wanting to take it(gall bladder) out for a while but I didn't think it bothered me enough. I am starting to rethink my position. :) Hope you feel better soon!

Been there, done that, got the staple scars to prove it. When it gets acute, it mimmics a heart attack. Chest pain, short breath, irregular heartbeat... get-r-done. My was done laproscopicaly (sp) with tubes (cameras, tools) through four 1/2" incisions. Went home the next day. Back to work in five days. Full bore a week later. Don't put it off!

They give you the pictures from the laproscopicaly (sp). That would be an interesting post! :D

Sorry just a little more twisted humor. I hope the laughing wont hurt those stiches. Rest a couple of days once the morphine wears off you'll feel more like bidding.

Take care.
Well, I'm home now, feeling some better, but the ride home did takes it toll.
I'll bet Codger would only let the Dr. operate, if he promised to only use a 152 and a 106.
Well, I'm home now, feeling some better, but the ride home did takes it toll.
I'll bet Codger would only let the Dr. operate, if he promised to only use a 152 and a 106.

Not the 9OT?

That would lay open some flesh to get things started.
Actually, I left the choice of knives up to my Israili surgeon. "Are you nervous?" the nurse asked. "Nah. If you guys don't know what you are doing by now, I'm a gonner anyway." She didn't think it was funny but the surgeon and anesthesiologist did. "Count backwards from ten." "Mares eat oats, and does eat oats and little lambs... eat... ivy...." "Wake up! Time to wake up!" "...ugh" We need for you to walk for us." "You crazy!" "No, you have to get up and walk down the hall." "Bring me a walker or a spatula. No walker, you'll be scraping me off the floor. And coffee. Coffee first. No caffine, no walk."

I was not the best patient. Time to go home? Going to get me a wheelchair? Good. I removed my own I.V.'s :D Nursie was not amused.:eek:
I don't take my IVs out. They are too hard to get in. I had shoulder surgery & it took them 9 tries to get an IV in.............the top of my foot! :eek:
But, I do have a propensity for removing my own stitches. :D

Good luck buddy.
I was to the Dr a few months ago & they did a CT scan of my chest. Said it was great, then asked me how bad my gall stones were bothering me. I said "What gall stones?" He said, "Well, since they don't bother you I will leave them alone. But when they start to give you trouble let me know & we will take them out."

I am not knife shy, (no pun intended), I have had somewhere between 25-30 different surgeries, but...........................if it ain't hurtin' nothin' & ain't hurting me..............................leave it the heck alone!
The doc assured me I will know it if the gall stones start to bother me. :eek:

Hope you get well soon,
Im 29 years old is this what I have to look foreward to. I was in a great mood when I loged on but now I read all of this and Im getting a little nervous. I broke 4 fingers and had a broken nose 2 times and a cracked sternum. none of them required any sergery or needles or cuts. But thanks to skoal I had 5 throat surgerys and my wife cant believe I still chew. I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the case. best of luck to all of you with stones in places they shouldnt be. Hope you the best and get well soon. Joel s
Man, I so feel your pain!!! The only thing even comparable to a mean kidney stone is a Taser and it only lasts 5 seconds:eek:
My favorite after a scan was "Do you know you have a bullet in your stomach?" Yes. "How did it get there?" Gun. "Does it hurt?" Not now. "Want us to take it out?" No. "You sure?" Yes. It's a souvenir of my senior trip. Leave it alone.

I am a stitch remover as well. My kids and grandkids call me "Doctor Dad". I feel sorry for my kids when their kids get hurt and run crying for Poppy to fix it. I can also put my own I.Vs in better than most of the student nurses who try. It upsets them when I do that though, so I usually just point out and pump the right vein for them... and let them take a stab at it. "OOPS!" I hate hearing that. "Here, let me do it."
At seventeen I thought I was ten feet tall and bullet proof. At eighteen others had me convinced I was. Dale can tell you about that. I believe he has a much larger collection of chinee metal from those days. One reason a few of us don't collect it today.

think about me.... kidney stone... i have been in bad shape throwing up, cold sweats, lots of pain, cant eat ot drink without throwing up, and feeling like total crap since wedensday,
today (saturday) i had it removed and still feel bad
i have let everything i was bidding on pass on to someone else, i just didnt care about much of anything. and some i really wanted at the time
just save me some for when i am better....
oh and my typeing sucks i know, just dont feel like spell checking or even rereading it....
take care my friends

What???? You had them take it out??? What kind of a man are you??? :)

Just kidding, I know exactly how you felt. When I had mine, I thought I was having a heart attack. Sweats, tingling in my arms, etc. I had to wake my wife up to get me to the ER. She couldn't drive fast enough for me.

I love the part when the x-ray nurse said "oh, it's just a little one"...Oh yeah lady, you try pissing one of those things out.

People laughed at me when I showed them a picture of it. They couldn't believe that something as small as that was making me cry for my mommy.

It is not something I want to go through again. Ever.

Glad to hear you are doing better.
