White Metal

Nov 29, 2005
I've seen it on a few peices but I am still unsure as to what white metal is. If any one has the patience to explain it to me I will be forever in their debt.
Sugar and spice and everything nice. :D

Actually, I'm not sure. There have been a few posts on it, including one quite recently. If you do a search, you'll probably get a pretty good idea...
White Metal

This was a pretty in depth look into white metal. I personally don't care for it that much. well, let me qualify that. I would rather have steel instead of white metal, but i think i like the look of white metal over brass;)

I wonder if the white metal is actually some of what used to be called a, 'tin can' ? (though it actually was not solid tin or anything)

munk said:
I wonder if the white metal is actually some of what used to be called a, 'tin can' ? (though it actually was not solid tin or anything)


Daniel Koster said:
I think there was some testing I did a while back (comparing to our NS in the states) that led me to believe the white metal was more like the German Silver. Whiter and brighter.

From working with the white metal a little I agree with Dan. The white metal is pretty tough stuff but evidently easier to work than steel or the kamis would use steel in place of it I would think.:rolleyes: :confused:
But then it may be just because the white metal is prettier in its own way and not so apt to tarnish as steel is to rust and brass is to accumalate verdigris.;)
On one of my knives, a Bura villager, the white metal is steel on all parts(or contains steel). On some others, the butcap is steel, but the bolster is something else....not quite sure what.
A magnet tells the tale.
in order of personal preference:

White metal