Whitewolf Pocket Pro, Dalton Gripper, Dalton Mini-Cupid


Gold Member
Oct 12, 1998
Does anyone know where I can get a review of any of these knives? How much should I expect to pay for the Mini-Cupid? Thanks!
I got a Dalton gripper and really liked the shape, but the handle hangs up in your pocket due to all the little cutouts. I carried it a couple of days and then sold it to my Dad, who loves anything auto. While autos have the cool factor, I have just never found any button lock type autos that I would trust. DA autos like the SOCOM that have a liner lock have a much sturdier lock (IMHO.)
I don't know about the rest, but I had a Dalton Mini Cupid OTF auto for a little while.

It's an interesting conversation starter and tactical letter opener, but otherwise not very practical. For one thing, the narrow double edged blade doesn't have as good an edge as a single edged blade of the same width could have. The spring is strong, and it's a two-hand closer, but there's enough friction in the mechanism that it will penetrate two sheets of offic paper, but not four. Don't try doing any action-adventure movie stuff with it. But if OTF autos are high on your "cool toys" list, it's one of the more economically accessable.

It is street-legal under California law, but since it comes from outside the state you don't want to wave it at federal officers.

Expect to pay $200 or more for it. It's not all that easily obtainable through the usual distribution channels.

