Who does small run anodizing?

Oct 3, 1998
Anybody have experience with a firm that will do runs on small quantity and small parts?

I am generally able to find what I need on the net but on this one I am about exhausted. I just don't know enough about it except that for me to do it myself may lead to a HAZMAT disposal nightmare.
By the way.. in my travels on the net I found some VERY AMAZING anodizing graphics being done. This full color graphic type work like on the TiNives and SpeedTechs is the icing on the cake of what these guys are doing.

When you argue with a fool, that makes two -- Vermont Proverb

theres some guys in ariz that sell ti in all sorts of sizes and shapes and they do this service...unfortunately my computer oded the other day and i lost the site...maybe someone else knows it...its waaaaay out in the booonies....
I would like to thank all who responded on this, both here and in e-mail. I have two possibles thanks to you guys. I will let you know how it goes.

When you argue with a fool, that makes two -- Vermont Proverb
