Who liked star wars *spoiler* (if you haven't seen it, don't come in.)

Good James, you can make sure that lucas doesnt cast Leo (at least not as Anakin).... maybe one of the droids that gets blown up in scene 7 or something......

One with the Force you must be...WISH NOT TO BE A JEDI!!NO PENSION YOU SAY!! Hmph! a Jedi desires not these things.
just testing my sig

One with the Force you must be...
NO PENSION YOU SAY!! Hmph! a Jedi desires not these things.
This is an Article I wrote for Echo Station...

More elgant weapons, for a more civilized time - and then there is Jar Jar.

First off, I just gotta say it... Wasn't The Phantom Menace GREAT! After 22 years of thinking "What? it starts at Episode 4?" I am not disappointed.

I came to Echo Station to smart off and talk about guns... So let me get to work here.

There has been discussion about the pros and cons of Jar Jar Binks... Let me get this off my chest - Jar Jar Binks kept my 2 year old twins in the seats, and allowed my wife and I to watch the movie in peace. If you dont have young kids - then I am sure you are having a harder time with the Gungan... Who at the first time I saw him during a midnight showing, came across to me as a Goofy/Rastafarian/Gonzo type. The next day, after 2 hours of sleep, with all 4 boys there, Jar Jar clicked. Kade, my five year old was glued - no problems there. Gavin, at 6 weeks was disapproving of THX quality sound dialed up to "Eleven" and promptly fell asleep. Aidan and Kylan - My 2 year old twin demolition team, was a concern. They couldnt quite get into the movie... And then they saw Jar Jar... Who made them giggle with delight every time he was on screen. I think THAT is the reason for Jar Jar.... Thank you, George Lucas!

Now, to the hardware. I had discussed Battle Droids earlier in the "Arms and Armor" article - so I wont rehash it - but let me say a few things here about them. As characters, they did a good job of being interesting lightsaber fodder. The dialogs they had were amusing. They appeared to be as sturdy as a piñata. But remember - they were being hacked to death by two lightsaber weilding Jedi. And of course, as with the Storm Troopers - had they been able to shoot very well, the movie would be over. They struck me as being cheap and disposable foot soldiers.

The weapons the BDs carried looked at first to be based upon the British Sterling SMG as was the E-11 Blaster Carbine the Stormies carried in A New Hope. Upon closer inspection, I learned this was not the case. These droid guns are built from scratch, based on no real firearm. That was disapointing, but no big deal, because they still looked realistic and pretty cool too. At this time, there are no details published about these guns.

The Queen had an interesting little pistol - looking like a small oil can - it too is based on no real weapon. Later in the movie she pulls out a couple hide-out snub-nosed blasters and capture the Trade Federation leaders... That was a cool move. We couldn't see those units very well - but they looked to be small, accurate, and over powered... and just what the Queen would have... No bulky, ugly military grade arms there... Expensive, high quality hardware.

The Royal Guards packed the only "real gun" that I was able to note in the film. Guns they may be - but not firearms. They looked to be based on the CO2 powered pellet firing Olympic Free Pistol made by either Hammerli or Pardini. But at this time I am not sure... There are many "Free Pistols" out there made by several different companies that go from .117 caliber pellets to .22 rimfire. When I find out just what it really is - I will let you all know. These guns are very heavily modified, and dressed up with brushed-chrome rifle scopes. They looked very sharp - and again, just what they would have - rather elegant, and very expensive - to include a grappeling hook launcher, and winch. If Batman had a gun - this would be it. This is also the only blaster in the whole enchilada to be shown that can fire rapidly. Watch how fast it shoots when Mister I-dont-trust-Jedi-Masters Panaca blows out a certain huge window... Wow, a rapid fire blaster. Who would have thought? And thinking of the base gun its built on - huge scope - so it should be highly accurate - and rapid fire... This is probably the most effective personal weapon in the Star Wars universe.

Speaking of rapid fire - we thought TIE FIGHTERS had it good with their rapid fire cannons - they can't touch the Naboo Star Fighter's guns. Faster firing rate means more hits on your target in a dog fight. Regardless, I am still disappointed in the Naboo starcraft... they are much too sleek and sporty looking to be serious fighters. They look more like racing boats to me. They only have 2 cannons, along with the required Photon Torpedo launcher. Give me an X-wing any day. The Naboo fighter may have better aerodynamics and maybe even better speed, but it only has half the firepower.

There was no strategies shown by either the Gungan or Droid armies - just colonial era British style line up and shoot tactics. I am not pleased with that - even if the battle was total eye candy. No flanking maneuvers, no real thought to it. The Gungans, who took the field first, didn't seek high ground as they should have. They gave the droids the high ground, and an advantage. Sun Tzu would not have approved. But then again, Jar Jar was the General there wasn't he?

The droid army had some tanks. These are new to Star Wars, and I was glad to see them. With a crew of three, they should have been more effective than shown, but Lucas didn't want all the kids crying with Jar Jar getting blown up. How did Jar Jar stop that one tank with a single Gungan Ion Ball (what ever the heck those blue balls were)? Well, the Droid that he hit was the comander - based on military standards, that was the commander's hatch it came out of. This being a droid tank - the commander was probably wired to the rest of the crew. So when he was taken out - the crew was too.

We also saw a speeder/jeep blow up one of those droid tanks. I heard the fellow in front of me say "Aw - come on! You can't kill a tank with a Jeep!" I leaned over and said, "You never saw Rat Patrol?" To which he replied "Ah - that's right..." As that old world war II series "Rat Patrol" proved - You CAN kill tanks with jeeps. (Don't try this on your own battlefield... it only works on film)

The last thing I want to say at this time is this...
Tuskin Raiders - those loveable Sand People... Those boys can SHOOT! I mean, if that aint shootin, than grits aint groceries!
Ben said in ANH "These Blast points... too accurate for Sand People, only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise."
Yeah RIGHT! Those Tuskins were shooting at POD RACERS... targets moving at like, 400 miles per hour. Dont think race car - think low flying jet fighter. And they were shooting from long range too... at least 200 yards from what it looked like. That is a major shooting accomplishment. Not just a lucky shot either - they popped Anakin's Pod 2 or 3 times and took out another Pod all together. TUSKIN RAIDERS now hold the honor of Best Shots in the Star Wars Universe.

That's all I have right now folks. Give me the chance to watch this film a couple hundred more times, like I have the others... and I will have more details for you. Until then, May the Force Be With You.

I want a Light Saber.

[This message has been edited by Ogre (edited 28 May 1999).]
What makes you guys think you've seen the end of Darth Maul. Sure, he was cut in half, but here's Two Hints:

1) The next episode will be about the "Clone Wars." That's C-L-O-N-E Wars!

2) They signed the guy who played Darth Maul for All Three episodes of the prequel.

That might be enough to get me to buy a ticket for the next go-round.

Milan in Santa Cruz
Ogre, I thought I was a SW fanatic. Glad to be among friends. Yeah, the 'clone wars' are upcoming. The Dark Lord of the Sith ain't finished either. If you read the Jedi Academy triology, there is a lot in store, depending on how close George sticks to the books. Now I agree with Corduroy, my perfect opening for Episode II would get Jar Jar's horrible death over quickly. Then let's proceed directly to the clonemaster's planet, make Anaakin and dispatch Leonardo post haste. But who plays Anaakin?

[This message has been edited by volsfan (edited 28 May 1999).]
Phantom Menace was a big let down. The animation looks like a undergraduate did them. Jar Jar's voice sounds so racist (yousa from the slavery days), the humor from him was so lame. About the only scene that was well done was the pod race. Other than that it just ploded along until the engagement with Darth Maul (wimp voice). The combat here was interesting (no dia;ogue)but could be better. Liam (forgot character name) died stupidly, one stab and lights out. Darth Maul died stupidly also after a brief hard press assult from obi (quartered from waist. I expected more from lucas after all tech. has adavanced far faster than human evolution. He did not learn to use his assets fully. The character inter action here was extremely lame (I thought it was bad in the other series). Lets see how II is going to like.
I've heard on the news that there is a controversy over people thinking Jar Jar is a "Carribbean" racial stereotype...I didn't really pick up on it, though I DID feel the two tall aliens (I don't know their names) of the Federation(?) spoke with very obvious, bad Japanese accents (like the English dubbing on the OLD Godzilla movies). I admit I was wondering if I should be offended for a while (I am of Japanese ancestry) but figured what the hell, the aliens' mouths are not designed to speak English. I realize that may be over-analyzing, but I can be sensitive to these things, as in many movies malicious anti-Asian stereotypes and/or slurs are all too common (i.e., any of Tarantino's films, for example).
Ah, well. Maybe they might bring Liam Neeson back as a clone in part 2...?
Yah right.
If I go to this thing and don't say anything snide about it, I can buy a knife, no questions asked! 'nuff said.
Qui-Gon Jin Dies stupidly? One stab and he is through?
DUDE! He was stabbed by a light saber! Dont you remember the scene when he is cutting open the door to the bridge of the Trade Federation ship!?!? Notice the heat there - thats what made the blast doors melt...

A stab would also give you 3rd degree burns as well as the puncture. His death had to be quick and sudden for shock value.
Besides - no one wants to see Rob Roy get his arms lopped off!

I want a Light Saber.

Some shock value that turned into. With a fast paced sword fighting (light saber) scene at least Qui-gon could be more dramatic in his death. That would have convinced me or shocked me. But, no it did not happen that way. Just a stab and lights out. I know it's a light saber and how much damage it can do. What happen with the force? We did not see it in play much. All I saw was force jump, pull, and I think force push. The use of force saber throw, chain lightning, deadly sight and so on could be used to liven things up.
hey -- how dramatic was obi-wan's 'death' in "A New Hope"? Besides Qui-Gon was supposed to have a "flaw" in his perception of the force this and his unwillingness to follow the code keeps him off the council despite being a jedi master while Ki-Ali-Mundi (the pointy headed guy sitting on yoda's right side) who is not a master is on the council. In any case, all jedi should have quick deaths unless they need to impart important information with their last breaths -- a-la yoda and vader in return or the jedi.

okay enough of the crazy fan stuff... they also say that the lightsaber can have variable blade length (if more than one crystal is used in its construction) Imagine having a tactical OTF lightsaber! now that's COOL!

As for Anakin, what do you expect? he's just a little slave boy. I think that it's a good setup for his later betrayal and transformation into Vader. remember Obi-Wan hurts him really bad in ep 3 and he falls into lava to boot and ends up as a half machine inhuman minster by episode 4.

LOVE that synopsis -- will be printing it out and sharing it with all of my internet challenged starwars fan friends.

2002 and 2004 are the dates that 2 and 3 are supposed to come out. imo they can't be soon enough. You'd probably guessed that I really loved this film. Sure it's not something that'll win an oscar or even get decent reviews beacuse of stellar acting. But the old trilogy had that same b-movie type acting. What I like is the fact that there's all that history and epic scope.

Talking about racial stereotypes, there's one more -- jar-jar, the trade federation and WATTO -- what's with this little blue fly alien? he's supposed to be the "typical" convenience store owner i think? eh? the door even "dings" when qui-gon comes into the store. But you really have to love the dialogue where he's immune to the jedi mind tricks...

As for Maul not killing obi-wan when he could have -- I'd like to think that since this was probably the first time he'd faced real jedi he wanted to get all of his rage out in the open. the sequence with him standing over obi-wan and slashing sparks is just pure dark-side, i guess to create fear. (you know fear + anger + aggression = dark side)

didn't i say enough of the crazy fan stuff a few paragraphs ago?

AS for the sword things, the stunt coordinators did an excellent job with everything. They kept a good flavor of the original fighting styles while making a cool thing to watch. If you'd ever seen a kendo match you'd be pretty bored unless you are in the "know". these guys managed to incorporate kendo (as well as epee, and lots of other stuff) and make it entertaining without making it too farfetched. though i never understood why the jedi will have no qualms immediately striking down droids while seeming only to strike at maul's saber when they have their duel, must be some kind of jedi code thing. I heard in an interview that the stunt/fight coordinators were saying that in the original movies you saw an old jedu (kenobi), a young pipsqueaky guy (luke) who's still learning throughout the films, a half man/half machine with limited freedom of motion (vader) but lots of evil dark side force, a jedu master who doesn't need to use a saber (yoda) and a dark side master who also doesn't need to use a saber (palpatine). These don't really add up to really cool looking fight sequences (though they did an amazing job for what they had and they were dramatic as anything out there) but now we get to see real jedi fighting with all their skill while they are in their prime.

in a nutshell (nutshell? how many people saw the length of this reply and skipped it?) I like this film and can't wait until the next two, clone wars, the romance, the betrayal, the turning to the dark side all setting up for the redemption of vader in episode 6. All of you do know that there are three more episodes after 6 right? Lucas just isn't going to make those (it's his decision, but I personally think he'll be too old to do it). It's my understanding that he'd already written out the entire story (or had most of the general story in mind)when he was making the original star wars movie (episode 4 "A new Hope")

Sorry about the tirade I just can't help talking about starwars.

[This message has been edited by unkiejae (edited 31 May 1999).]

[This message has been edited by unkiejae (edited 31 May 1999).]
Well, I finally went to see it. My synopsis. Well, not synopsis, but comments. OBTW, I LOVE the long humorous synopsis submitted above. Anyway, I digress (kinda like the phantasm, err.. phantom menace; eh?).
Back to my comments. Lucas took 2 hours 20 minutes to show us what he could have in 25 minutes, with equal character development. Oh, and IMO Jar Jar Binky-doo-whatever actually added to the movie (I can't see how it could have taken away from it). The best part of the movie for me was the massive lightsaber duel. Oh, wait, that was interrupted so many times to jump to ... uhhh.. what was that, the space battle?... that I lost something there, too.

Why, oh why, did Lucas do this???
I actually really enjoyed the first (err... last?) three episodes. I think I'll just have to rent the next couple.

Work hard, play hard, live long.
