Who loves jerky?

Jan 28, 2002
Man I can't get enough of the stuff! :D :D :D I'm gonna put a pack in my BOB to supplement my Mainstay bars. It'll boost my morale but make me a target for all the jerky-less people out there!

Who else loves jerky? What's your favorite meat and flavor?
I like natural flavor and spicy especially, and these days I get beef jerky because it's cheap and readily available.:)
Oh yeah, that stuff's great!

What a pity that it's so expensive over here. :(

I guess I gotta make some of it myself.
Jerky is the food of the gods. Mutt-- jerky and instant rice sounds interesting. How do you prepare it? Do you have to soak the jerky first, or do you just throw it in when you cook the rice?
Moose jerky, deer jerky, bear jerky cheap beef jerkry. Hickory flavour our my wife's soya sauce mix. It's a mainstay whenever I'm in the field.:)
Originally posted by Josh Feltman
Jerky is the food of the gods. Mutt-- jerky and instant rice sounds interesting. How do you prepare it? Do you have to soak the jerky first, or do you just throw it in when you cook the rice?

Well, you can toss it in there, but I take a bite of jerkey, chew it a little, then shove a spoon of rice in my gob and chew some more...

The idea is that the instant rice takes 5 minutes with boiled water... not the 10 minute stuff that needs to cook for 10 minutes. And, the jerky does not need to be cooked...

I got this idea from a Taiwanese delicacy called "Ba Fu" which roughly translates into meat shreds... it's made with cooked flavored pork which is shredded. Another type is "Ba So" which is powdered pork.. same stuff different consistency... it is tossed into a bowl of cooked rice to flavor it. This stuff can be purchased at ethnically chinese supermarkets and is great for packing in the field because it is so light, and a little goes a long way.
Anyone who wants a taste of the worlds best jerky, and I mean honest to God the worlds best, check out The Dublin General Store. The jerky these people sell is so good it's a crime. I have nothing whatsoever to do with them, but I can tell you that you will never taste better jerky in your life than what you can get from these folks. It's one of Michigans best kept secrets.
This stuffs not bad, got some in my BOB
though I've never had or made any homemade jerky despite having the ingredients to make ?'biltong'. hope I spelt that right.
The best jerkys *I* like are Acme Brand and Toxic Tommy's...., though I also kind'a like Mountain America's ostrich, too.
bought a dehydrator last fall.

made about 20batches so far, and still improving. Last batch was great. 1/8" inside round beef... tariyaki...
I've made Jerky that lasted the winter (5 months) and I've also made some that went bad in 3 weeks. A lot depends on the meat and method. Then there is storage. Best (for longevity) I made was simple lean venison soaked in salt water for 4 hours and hung behind the woodstove. The salt water "formula" is: insert a potato into water- it sinks. Add sea salt till it floats (do not heat the water). Soak venison 4 hours. Drag it out and add any other seasoning you want, sprinkling that on the outside of the strips while wet. Hang to dry.

The meat was cut in 1/4 to 3/8 inch (thick) strips diagonally across the grain. Cutting straight across makes for brittle jerky. Cutting along the grain reduces penetration of the brine. I just compromise. Lean beef works well too. I like black pepper or pepper flakes for added seasoning.

I also carry some bullion cubes with rice and jerky. Makes for a nice meal and if it is cold, that'll warm ya right up.