Who's logo???

Jan 8, 2006
I need help identifying a logo. It's the letters JB enclosed in a circle. That's the only markings on a folder I looked at today.

Might be JB Moore. Can you post a pic, or give a better description than "a folder"? He makes a beautiful knife.
You guys are a lot of help.
I don't need information on the knife, I would like to know the maker. I'm aware of JB Moore but have no idea if he stamps the insignia I ask about on his knives.
If anyone knows that marking, it would be helpfull.
I'd post a picture of the mark but I don't see an option to browse my files for the picture, only an option to plug in a url.

Photobucket.com will give you free space to store a photos on the web.
Just follow the instructions, real easy stuff.
After you up load the photo, you'll see it with three boxes underneath.

Copy and paste the type that has
the name of your photo [/img}
(the last character will be a ] not a } )
into your post here.
JTMcC said:
You guys are a lot of help.
I don't need information on the knife, I would like to know the maker. I'm aware of JB Moore but have no idea if he stamps the insignia I ask about on his knives.
If anyone knows that marking, it would be helpfull.
I'd post a picture of the mark but I don't see an option to browse my files for the picture, only an option to plug in a url.


Be cool.

Maybe you would be better off finding your info yourself.IMO
Buy a membership here and you can post pictures.
Thank you,Randy! :thumbup: Ya' saved me the trouble of posting back to this exercise of abrasiveness. :eek: Guess I posted anyway,oh well,not busy this morning anyway. :D
What attitude? The man asked a question and the only replies he recieved were criticism for asking. Am I missing something here?
JTMcC said:
You guys are a lot of help.

Tom, maybe people misunderstood this comment and it wasn't meant to be sarcastic, but since he had basically received little help at that point it appears to me that it was indeed sarcasm. Could be wrong though.
Tom Militano said:
What attitude? The man asked a question and the only replies he recieved were criticism for asking. Am I missing something here?

You and I both must of missed something:)

Sorry fellas, I don't live and breath knives but I do use and enjoy them and over the years, since I was about 5 years old, I've gathered up several that i'm very pleased to own and use.
I certainly don't have the time to post tens of thousands of times on a knife forum as I've got little one's to feed;)
So after running into a knife with a simple logo stamped on it, like I said the letters JB enclosed within a circle, and not having any idea who/what it was I thought I'd ask here. Just a simple question.
In reply I got:
a joking reference to Jim Bowie.
a request for pictures and a better description of the knife (I thought I addressed that, I don't particularly want info on the knife, but am interested in which maker uses/used that particular mark).
a helpfull tip on posting pictures.
a suggestion from a moderator to "be cool" ?? and send money so I can post a picture.
a reference to abrasiveness.
and a comment that my bad attitude maens I deserve no help.

So much for my little quest to find a little info on a makers knife marking:rolleyes: Sorry to have offended you chaps. You seem a bit thin skinned to me but it's your world not mine. I'll not bother you again.

Sorry about you bad experience.
You will find what you are looking for with a picture, I'm almost positive.
Or maybe where you bought it.

Very difficult to ID.
Thousands of knifemakers out there.Lots with those initials
Sarcasm does not help with this crowd.IMO
JTMCC, I was only asking for a picture because to me, JB Moore has a very recognizable style. A picture, to go along with the logo, would probably have affirmed or eliminated JB Moore. I wasn't criticizing you when asking for a picture or a better description. I was trying to help you out, and just asking for a little more info with which to do that. But to address one of your criticisms: you weren't looking for info on the knife, but the maker. One will identify the other. In order to find info on the maker of a knife, you need to know who made it, so you were actually looking for info on the knife.
Sorry for making you feel unwelcome, but I thought your sarcastic response was not warranted. Posting a photo of the knife is the best way for people that may not recognize the makers mark, but may recognize the makers style, to be able to help you.

I certainly hope that it wasn't the attempt at humor (Jim Bowie) that bothered you, because that would mean that it was you that had the thin skin.
Think of it this way, if it was Jim Bowie's knife, you'd be sittin in high cotton :D

(Note the smiley)

If you don't want to start an account at photobucket, email me the photo and I'll put it up for you.
Maybe that will make up for my failed attempt at making you smile.

Click on my name to get the email, please put bladeforums in the email title, so I know it's a member here.

Good enough?
Ebbtide said:
Think of it this way, if it was Jim Bowie's knife, you'd be sittin in high cotton :D

(Note the smiley)

If you don't want to start an account at photobucket, email me the photo and I'll put it up for you.
Maybe that will make up for my failed attempt at making you smile.

Click on my name to get the email, please put bladeforums in the email title, so I know it's a member here.

Good enough?

Jim Bowie's? truly high cotton.

I appreciated your attempt at humor, but don't take the act on the road just yet, at least that the response I get from my kids :)
Thanks for the offer. I have a picture on another site but I think it would be bad form to post a link to a "nother" knife site. I might put it on the last page of my website and link to that but I think I'll just take the moderators advise.

Thomason said:
Santa Claus gave me a JB Moore for Christmas. It is marked
JB Moore
Ft Stockton, TX

I see you are on very, very good terms with Mr. Claus:thumbup:

JTMcC, Excuse my reference to abrasiveness,if you would be so kind,it just seemed that way to me. :foot: I've been wrong before :eek: Welcome here and hope ya' find the info you want. :D Doug.