Who's the SOB at Buck???

Aug 5, 2005
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people at Buck for sending me a nice Holiday card, with a pair of Wooly Mammoths on the front, a pertinent message inside, and signed by the nice people who were doubtless responsible for our correspondence this year...

Amber, Ena, Pete, Martin, Sarah, Janet, Cassandra, and...SOB??? :eek:

...:D :thumbup: ...Happy 2007 Buck!!!
Looks like J..O..E, maybe Joe...I think a guy named Joe works there, isn't he one in charge of handling "headaches":confused:
Looks like J..O..E, maybe Joe...I think a guy named Joe works there, isn't he one in charge of handling "headaches":confused:

He he he.......LMAO......Tarx,

You called Joe an SOB......he may not like that. After all he does for us and on a public forum too. You guys always make me laugh :D .

Relative to our friend "Greta".

Ah, Greta...I still remember how she looked in the moonlight...her pale skin...her shining lips...her long blond hair...how she balanced a cigarette in her right hand, a mixed drink in her left hand, and a cell phone in her other hand... :rolleyes:

I still can't quite figure that out... :eek:
I figure I'm on Buck's Crap List now anyway...DarrylS orders all my Buck Customs now... :rolleyes:
... HA HA HA HA HA HA ...Yeah but...........I'd like to let everyone here know that ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I RECEIVED NO CARD ! ! ! ! ! .. .:mad: ...
Hmmm, maybe the cards just went to the squeaky wheels. :)

Ok Matt...THAT is funny!

I'm no teacher's pet...;)
Teach would have Darryl, his brother Larry, his other brother Larry, and I sitting in front of the class to keep an eye on us after carving our names in the desks with our folders...
Ok Matt...THAT is funny!

I'm no teacher's pet...;)
Teach would have me and Darryl sitting in front of the class to keep an eye on us after carving our names in the desks with our folders...

...Didn't ya just hate it when they did that to us???...Those front desks always seemed so darn small to me...:eek: :D :cool: :p
...Didn't ya just hate it when they did that to us???...Those front desks always seemed so darn small to me...:eek: :D :cool: :p

Yeah, and the nun slapped me hard with the ruler cause she didn't believe what I carved; "Trax loves Gretsnap".
Yeah, and the nun slapped me hard with the ruler cause she didn't believe what I carved; "Trax loves Gretsnap".
...LMAO...Oh yeah...We were and are all familiar with ol' "Gretsnap"...Everyone wanted some of "that"...:eek: :p :p
SOB? I dont know of anybody here that fits those initials.
But what concerns me more is...How in the world did we miss Darryl???? Maybe its because he is so quite all the time? :rolleyes: