Why all.the TGA2 hate?

Constantly seeing people dumping them at a loss on the exchange and especially losing money on fleabay at $325-$350 shipped for g10 models you lose another 13.5% in fees and about $20 ship for around a $100+ loss on a $380 knife

I think they're one of the better revisions, better steel than the BG versions and the balance is actually spot on, they feel better in hand than my tglbs actually.

I think it's the same reason that there are a large number of TGLB's (even comp finish!) selling right lately....the comp finish Dog Soldier 8..!! :cool:
Could be a lot of.noobs like.myslef didnt realize how sucessful thos O2W would be, and a bunch of em thought TGSE!? THERE'S NOWAY I'M PASSIN! At that.time of xourse.

I too surpised bybthe recentn influx of CF TGs. I could be wrong but didnt the .350 Hollowed Hog out sizzle the forsaken Gemini (more standard)last round? Super light and.well balancved DS8 might be addinbto those sales, but I doubt im the only one waiting to splurge likea mad man on TGLBs:D
Congratulations on the new Edition. Definitely the priority of the Day. Enjoy and take Gobs of pictures. They grow so fast. Really Special times ahead of you.
Congrats & enjoy,
Congratulations on the new Edition. Definitely the priority of the Day. Enjoy and take Gobs of pictures. They grow so fast. Really Special times ahead of you.
Congrats & enjoy,

Will do and thank you.
I love the TGa2, it's one of my do not sell blades, especially since it was a gift from my wife
forsaken tg has them shook so they're taking a loss now
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And here we see a large mass of hot air moving from left to right across the forum, tune in every morning for your up to date radar tracked weather forecast.
Is A2 really better than sr101?

Why isnt A2 used for BG models?

That's a good question because Jerry has stated in a AMA from last year that 101 was his second fav steel- and while doing some edumacatin' I came across something that said A2 steel was used for jackhammer points - As one who got tossed around by a few hammers back in my younger days I thought that's got to be a pretty tough steel. Add to that toughness the better of the too in corrosion resistance, it's a fair question. I've picked up small comments here and there from folks w ho really like 101 over Infi when it comes to getting down and dirty so, no perfect answer but it is interesting stuff but Jerry likes what he likes for a host of reasons based on what he wants-