Why are Balisongs and Butterfly knives illegal in so many places?

My understanding of why these are illegal in a lot of states is. When they first hit the streets people were making a lot of trips to the E.R. To get there hands stitched up from flipping wrong or personal accidents. Doctors and nurses said this is a dangerous knife. Wasn't from criminal use on one another or used in crimes so much as handling mistakes.

I don't see that as being the case, because doctors wouldn't want to cut their own throats so to speak, by decreasing the number of patients they have to see and bill to death for being stupid.
Before the law was recently changes, many classes of knives were illegal where I live in the State of Kansas. I found it strange that I was licensed to carry a concealed firearm, but I could be in violation of the law due to a knife I carried. Balisongs are unique in that some skill is needed to do the various tricks and doing so as a demonstration of handling skills may be considered as brandishing a weapon. In Kansas, the old law was strangely worded and may have been based on reactions to tools used in violent crimes. I guess they could make spoons and toothbrushes illegal since they are sharpened and used as weapons in prison. After a change in the Kansas political climate, the laws were relaxed and the remaining strange prohibition is against throwing stars, which makes my Ninja garb useless.