Why do I like junk like this?

Nov 8, 2000
Crummy steel (Sheffield) but it just looks neat. Hardness ....may... be in the 50's but wouldn't bet on it.

Ours is not to question why...:) :) :)

I like Ed Folwer's writings about lady knife, he just makes it seem natural and OK to be attracted to whatever blade. Just go with it and enjoy. Preston
I think it looks kinda cool, even if it won't win any beauty contests. Let's face it, the only person it has to please is you anyway. Enjoy it.
At least it has got a decent guard and good, classic bowie styling. You would probably have to go custom to get a similar knife with great steel and heat treatment.
I think it looks cooool too!! Ours is not to understand, but to accept. Accept that you are a knife knut!!
I would want it just so no one else could have it. That's the nature of the disease... :o

This one is mine, William Rodgers Sheffield, I bought it new in Mexico in the mid 70's, I think the steel is fine, I applied cold blue to the blade to prevent rusting and for looks, I also cut off part of the top of the guard for comfort, the handle seems to be hard rubber with herringbone jigging, the sheath is not original, made in Mexico by the seller.


[/I]Click to enlarge[/I]
You got it. The steel is actually OK and has a nice working edge. Not a hair-popper, but a good working edge. It appears to have given good service to whomever owned it before. And it looks (and feels) like a genuine old belt knife. The "cowboy" in me just revels in the feel of that grippy stag.


Not to mention that the blade is inscribed "Original Design by Col. James Bowie" so it could be the SANDBAR knife. :D Bernard Levine thinks it was made in the 1940's or 50's.
Ah ... 40's or 50's.

Hoppalong Cassidy, Red Rider, Lone Ranger ...

When kids dreamed of manly men doing the right, noble thing.

And could actually own a knife without a SWAT team showing up.

Yep, a classic design.

When I first saw this I thought it was junk, because it is, but I kind of like the shape of it.

I don't know anything about this thing, except that it says "India" on the blade so I think it was made in India. It's badly rusted. I tried to cut paper with it and all it did was leave rust marks. It's 9 inches long and the blade is 5 1/2 inches.

Does anyone know when this might have been made? What the blade shape is called? Anything?
I...think.... it was made in the 1980's. I had one and don't remember where I got it. Someone brought it back as a souvenir and gave it to me. It had a wooden scabbard that had crude carvings on it, and as you say it would not cut anything. It was made in India. It may be in a box somewhere around here. Really crude.

Lavan, I can help you overcome your bad taste. Just send that Wostenholm baby over here so you don't feel tempted to use it and I'll send you a really nice Dark Ops Stratofighter!
A knife is a knife. Some are better than others, but I am a fan of knives in general and not just ones above a certain level. Of course I like better knives more than junkers, but sometimes a "junk" knife has a certain something that makes me like it.

Enjoy what you enjoy!