Why do you collect bladed weapons?

Sep 14, 1999
Ever thought about it?

I have an ATC Brend Hatchet I carry with me in the field, a Busse SH-E variant I sometimes carry, and a Buck/Strider or Emmerson Commander that I always carry. I also have a "decoration only" sword that hangs on my wall.

The reason for having the first 4 are obvious: work related use.
The sword just looks neat hanging and I like having a slight "warrior" feel to one wall in my house.

So why do you collect?
(I am sure this has been asked before, but after seeing some collection pictures, it dawned on me that some of you have more money invested in knives than I have made in the last 3 years as a member of the Corps. Just wondering what you do with them and why you have them all!?)

Sgt. Horse
i thought about it, and still haven't received an answer from my shrink... as a matter of fact he started collecting them too!

one of my favorite things to do is to wait till my wife is in the shower and sneak in.... eek eek eeek!!:eek:
I have only a few that get used (something like five). The rest NEVER put their beautiful blades to anything other than my skin.

Why do I collect them? Simple, knives are beautiful things made by some of the finest artists of our time. Many designs are intended for use, and through that they also obtain the status of art. I don't like paintings, rugs, china, crystal, etc...Knives give me what those things give to their collectors.

I'm not serving in the armed forces, law enforcement, or anything else requiring them for work....I'm just a person who loves a knife's form & function.
I like things that essentially last forever. For some reason you don't find much of that any more, in the era where most things are designed to be disposable.

A good knife will last forever despite being used often. I have a Model 21 shotgun that my grandfather, then father, then I used in the field every hunting season. It has probably killed thousands of rabbits and even more quail, but it is still as functional as the day it came off the line.
SGT Horse,
I guess I collect Bladed Weapons for the same reasons you do. I think Nimmy said it best. I have enjoyed knives since I was a little kid and first saw the display case full of Case Knives in the General Store near our house. Now I am able to spend the money on nice ones and enjoy them and talk to others that share my hobby.

SSG Grunt


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
when ever our government or the liberals come down on something makes me desire it even more, guns, knives, skunks...

save a tree... eat a beaver:cool:
Mayo's starting back up in a month, the peak has been reached and will go down on this one.

shoot low, the're ridin shetlands
Ive been into guns for awhile but only recently gotten into collecting knives (past 8 months), and even more recently (past 3 months)discovered how much I like busse knives over all others out there.

The bad thing about a gun is that- 1) On average, guns cost more then knives. 2) % wise, they drop in value more when used. 3) guns take more care to maintain. 4) you cant buy/sell/trade guns online as easily as you can a knife. 5) KNIVES ARE SO DAMN COOL!!@$#