Why Spyderco?


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2001
Don't worry this is definitely not a flame! :)

I have gone through at least 6 different Spyderco knives in the last year. When I say gone through I mean previously owned, most I have either sold or traded off on Bladeforums. I always seem to regret selling my Spyderco's and have recently started purchasing a few that I have previously owned, starting with a G10 Harpy and Matriarch. I think I hadn't realized how great Spyderco knives really are. Well I've returned to purchasing Spydercos and was wondering what makes you buy Spyderco? For me it's the very competitive price, excellent materials and great ergonomics. The Spyderco that I regret selling the most is my VG-10 Police.

I choose Spyderco above any other knife company because of;

1. The Spydie Trademarked Hole
2. ergonomics
3. steels
4. out of the box, hair poppin' sharpness :eek:
5. EXCELLENT Warranty
6. GREAT Customer Service
7. complimentary sharpenings
8. the Bladeforums Spydie forum
9. the Spyderco "home" forum

and again,

10. the HOLE!!! :D ;) :cool:
I totally agree, the hole is big reason why I like Spyderco's. I have yet to find a thumbstud that works as good as the hole.
I love the look of the spydie hole (I have 2 spydies), but I think actually the thumb disc on my emerson is easier for opening. but I love my spydies overall cos of the steel, the hole and dependability (product, company, Sal + this forum);)


o some great new innovations - the compression lock
o the big, little knife designs - the Salsa and Lil' Temperance
o great remakes of the classics - the CF Police and Delica

Oh yeah - and the ROUND SPYDIE HOLE!!!!!
Innovation in their designs and excellent fit and finish.
Several reasons come to mind right off the top. They are, in no particular order:

1) Incredible ergonomics, maybe the best in the business.

2) The hole provides greater surety of purchase when opening the blade than say a stud or a disc.

3) Price vs. quality ratio is hard, if not impossible, to beat.

4) Spyderco is a very consumer friendly company with a great warranty that they stand behind.

5) The design team is always looking forward but respects the past.
For me, it's all about engineering. Sal knows how to design a knife. Lots of companies are very good at manufacturing knives, but most fall far short of Spyderco in the engineering department.

Oh yeah. I also love the hole. :)
1. Price vs. Performance (bang for the buck):)

2. Sharpness (best factory edge available):)

3. Steel (VG-10 on a $40 knife)

4. Ergo (Native, enough said)

5. Design (Dodo, delica, native, toad, etc..) best production designs

6. Customer Service (you always will buy more)

7. Sal (he really cares !!):)

I will never stop buying Spyderco. I also like BM and classic Bucks.
"Price vs. quality ratio"

"bang for buck"

They said it better :D

That is why I like spydie's
Thanx for the kind words. I can tell you what we do with priorities.

1. Reliable high performance is prime. This begins with material selection, engineering and constant testing both in the lab and in the field.

Most models are built to be used. Anything that might improve or detract from safety or performance is a point of focus.

2. Ergonomics are next. We literally build dozens of concept pieces refining the ergonomics of each model, testing in many different hands.

3. Innovation is constant at Spyderco. We're always testing new materials, new designs and new ways of doing things. "Kaizen" or "CQI" (continuos quality improvement) is the way. New locks, new clips, new fastening methods, etc.

Most of our improvements are invented in house. Refinement is constant.

4. Engineering and re-engineering is also constant. What was good today will be improved tomorrow.

5. Then, all of the above is put into an attractive design as is possible without compromising the above ciriteria.

6. Customer caring and concern. The customer being the ELU. We believe that the End Line User is the most important part of the business chain.

reliable, ergonomic, high performance knife that is there when you need it, while when you don't, you don't even know it's there. ;)
I think page 9 of the Spyderbook sums it up. The section called The Spyderco Workhorse. The author really does a bang up job putting it in a nutshell.

Spyderco makes knives. Fine knives. Selected materials, great ergonomics, the hole in the blade and the feed back - cs, pr and the Forum(s). But there's another thing about Spyderco knives. They are made with the soul. You know this when you grab a spidie and feel how it becomes your natural extension. You just feel that someone, somewhere puts a lot of time, brains and sweat so the product would meet your expectations. No more than necessary, no less than perfect :)
so many lefty friendly desings gets a big thumbs up. The quality is remarkable at their price point. And maybe I'm showing my age, but I like lockbacks. They're simple and they stand the test of time. And there's one for every occasion.

Originally posted by BOK
Innovation in their designs and excellent fit and finish.

That sums it up nicely. The only other thing I'd mention would be the quality materials used in Spyderco's.
What really impresses me is the constant innovation and improvement. I think that Clip-Its were part of the plastic when they were first introduced to folding knives. Now, they're not only steel, but Spyderco has made them ambidextrous on a lot of models. Speaking of steel, Spyderco sought out steel from outside the pocket knife world and brought VG-10 not only into the higher-end knives, but into the so-called base models as well. I hope to use my Native and Delica down to their spines within the next 5-10 years because the newer versions will probably shave electrons with push cuts, neutrons and protons with pull-cuts, and still be some of the most affordable and accesible folders out there.

The other thing is that Spyderco is not afraid to listen to its customers' wants and meet them. S30V is a relatively new 'super steel' used mostly in folders with MSRP's of $190-395 and fixed blade customs starting at $140. MSRP of the S30V Native? $83.95 with shipping included in the USA.

I am a Benchmade addict/fanatic, but Spyderco is my first recommendation for anyone wanting a high quality folder.