Guys, guys, guys! Let me give you some time worn tips
1. Separate bank accounts!
2. Encourage dear spouse in interests of her own, like photography or gardening (or any other gadget prone hobby) There's nothing like the look of astontished affection that one gets from saying, "Here, honey, I got you that carry strap (or pack of seeds) you wanted." (As you slip another *somewhat more expensive* aquisition of your own into the house.
3. (This one is obviously too late for Cobalt.) Early on, before the relationship even gets started explain in no uncertain terms that you are who you are and you're gonna do what you like to do, regardless of any attempts to change you. Get that straight from the very beginning and never hesitate to bring it up any time conversation veers into those "male conversion waters" that some gals like to swim in.
4. Start right off collecting very expensive longarms, weapons, historical artifacts and really hideous large works of art. Later, when you move to mere knives it will come as a relief to your spouse that you've finally taken up a somewhat saner hobby.
5. Spend lots and lots of time alone typing into "that infernally damned computer" and spend even more time muttering to yourself while hacking blamefree rope and cardboard to death out in the garage.
6. That way when you do occasionally emerge long enough to offer to chop some veggies for stirfry or pizza, she'll think you're the nicest guy around.
7. Whenever your hobbies or collections come up in conversation in any but the most flattering terms, don't hesitate to point out that you're not like the other guys out constantly chasing other women or wasting money on a cocaine habit or gambling obsession. (Hey, no matter how irredeemably hopeless you are, there's always worse examples you can dream up
8. Get yourself well enough aquainted with defending knives as both history and art that you can defend your hobby to any and everyone from the in-laws to the pastor. And get aquainted with 'knives as tools' well enough to defend your pastime to other male friends and LEOs.
9. Don't ever allow your spouse to "borrow" one of your knives. If she expresses interest, then by all means simply give it to her and tell her to take care of it. Then, just get yourself another one. That eliminates frictions, and the "Oh honey, I got this one just for you" line seems to play fairly well even with frequent repetitions.
Hey, this stuff's worked for me for 20 yrs.