will there be any knives without the finger groove?

May 25, 2000
First off, I want to say I love the camp tramp.

I have a question, will there be any knives without the finger groove, & the edge right to the handle?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forums! :D

I doubt SR will ever remove the finger groove on the CT. Just curious, why do you dislike it?

IMO, it is an invaluable feature that adds a lot of versatility.
The main disadvantage is that it limits precision ability and power when working at the front of the edge. If you use a grip on the handle you are now cutting an inch or so infront of the ideal. If you choke up on the blade then you are gripping quarter inch steel which isn't nearly as comfortable as a handle. Of course an index finger cutout has the major advantage of letting you shift the blade to a neutral balance which makes a lot of other types of cutting much easier which raises raises functionality in those areas.

After work with a lot of knives, I would prefer an extended handle rather than a index finger choil for most large blades. An extended handle also allows you to go from a neutral or blade heavy grip, while at the same time losing no comfort as you are always on a full handle. In addition you have the ability to get extra reach when you shift your grip back so power will go up for two reasons, and you get a wider cut swath as well. For example, look at the second machete from the bottom, the one with the really wide and upswept tip, :


The handle has a very long contact area which allows for a significant change in balance if you grip close to the top as compared to way back around the end knob. With this kind of handle it is essential that end back of it be flared as you will be torquring hard against it, and it needs to be wide for reasons of security and comfort.

I'd like to see a few cord wrapped handles especially on
some of the smaller models.:cool:
It would be nice to have a choice of choil or no choil. Even if we keep the choil, I have slender fingers and don't need the choil to be nearly so wide. A little deeper would be nice, though.
