
It doesn't look like they will be leaving the plant this week...but they are getting close. I'll make an announcment when I have a firm date. Good luck this weekend!
Originally posted by recondo4u
We are doing a tactical pig hunt this coming weekend.

Uh-oh Will...you better watch out!!! :D

[Sorry, I could not resist...though I think I just knocked myself out of contention for an Aftermath and Dominator...LMAO]

I think that I should receive the 1st BK-10 Crewman that leaves the factory, so that I can do some "testing" of it for you.:D.
Originally posted by Dexter Ewing
You are mighty persistent about this aren't you, Dann? :D
Dex...Yup!...That's what I get for wanting one of these new BK-10 knives SO BADLY and being too damn broke to buy one.:D.