William Henry, the collection....

Gary W. Graley

“Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Mar 2, 1999
Well, I just picked up the Cocobolo Lancet and that rounds out my collection of the William Henry knives, for now, if I could locate a Coral T10 that would be sweet!
Each of these knives are super smooth and lockup is very secure, though not intended for the tactical portions of our normal day they do the show off thing quite well. The top knife is the Rainbow Spearpoint that I picked up at the Bladeshow last year, and it was love at first sight, but the Lancet series really struck a chord in my steely heart and so I set out to acquire as many different scale series as I could. I did a scan of the group on my new Epson 1200 scanner and recommend that to anyone, it works very well! Got mine through Amazon.com.

So here they are;



"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

G2 LeatherWorks

[This message has been edited by Gary W. Graley (edited 05-29-2000).]
Gary, very nice, I'll have to respond in kind since you are the one who got me hooked!

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
James, with that kind of bait, it's easy to hook a persons attention to the detail!

Glad you like it, opted for the Rainbow series verses the Diamond, I'll let you collect those.


Johnny, not a fair question! None of them are the proverbial red headed step child, as they all work and cut well, but if I type real quiet I'll tell you that the Cocobolo has nice grain and I really like that one, but the Rainbow Series is also so nice, the pearl, ahhh the beautiful colours in the pearl are outstanding, but the amber jigged bone gives a sense of old time knifedom, the carbon fiber sooooo light and strong, I'll have to admit that the Carbon Fiber sees the most duty of the bunch as I wear that one in my shirt pocket EVERYDAY without fail.

So I hope that answers your question?
Nice collection! I just added a second WH to my small knife collection, and it is -- a carbon fiber Lancet! My Lancet has also become the knife I carry the most, clipped to my shirt pocket. It's a perfect daily carry for me. Even the non-knife people that have seen it have been impressed.

I want to acquire one more, but I can't stand pearl-handled anything. To paraphrase Gen. George Patton, only a New Orleans prostitute would carry a knife with pearl handles (sorry George). I keep hoping that WH will do a series of Lancets with Mammoth ivory scales, or something else that is similarly slightly exotic. Maybe we should petition the company to use some other materials?

Phil Reedy
Phil, a friend at work reminded me of that quote, but I don't care as I'm sure he would approve of this one...

But I talked with Matt of WH and they will be coming out with some special pieces, a run of a 100 and thats it for that kind. They retired the Rainbow and Diamond but have not forsaken the sterling silver filigree bolsters they will do special runs including that type of work later on, can't wait!

The Lancet is about the handiest size and sharpest point going.

I agree that a Mammoth Ivory scales would really sell quick!


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

G2 LeatherWorks
G2, I love your collection. Being a Sucker for Stag, I spoke to Frank Recupero about putting stag scales on a T10, he felt they would end up being too thin.

Someone posted WH new line, and I was just playing around a little. I thought I'd get your opinion, what do you think?


"Will work 4 Knives!"
Homepage: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=254126
Some gorgeous knives! WH seems to be creating knives that are more tempting from an asthetic perspective than anyone else these days. Mammoth/mastodon ivory would be sweet! The urge just might become too great again if they go down that path.

PhilL, stag is great, nice touch up too, you ought to email that to Matt at William Henry knives, might spark some interest?

Thanks G2, I'm glad you liked it, but I really don't think WH needs any help from me, they seem to be doing just fine.
I bought both the carbon fiber and Amber Lancet. I use the carbon fiber everyday at the office where the women don't seem to run scared when it's deployed to open an envelope. It's a great suit knife. Problem is that it's so light and small that I've lost is several times in the laundry hamper etc. My only problem with the WH series is the limited runs of the different types of handles etc. Like they are trying to be the Beanie Babies of knives with "retired" models to create a built in collectible demand through planned obsolescence.
I know what you mean, but it does make the search more interesting and when you get one, it should go up in value. I just couldn't help myself with the Lancet models.

I sharpened the CF on the Spyderco Sharpmaker 204 and it really took an exceptional edge!

heavy "sigh"
those carbon fibers are so nice.
last week I looked at several at Dennis Wright's shop. man, that stuff is way too nice, the pearl was exquisite.
now if someone would just give me the winning lotto number...

Buck Collectors Club Member # 572
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)
To quote the master of understatement, Charlie Brown;


-The road to Hell is paved with pretty little trinkets such as these
(or is it Twinkies?)

Very nice group Gary. It is really good to see a bunch of the ones I don't have
and if my Pease collecting continues it will be a while before I pick up another WH, but dangnabbit they are SCHWEEEEET...

Thanks Blades for the Beckscutlerly tip, I called them but they only have the T9's left, the others sold out. But she didn't recall having any with Coral, for all I know they never made the Lancet with Coral Scales?

She said some guy in Texas ordered the last from her, I asked if it was SammyB and she said no, that name didn't ring a bell.

Well I guess my search for an Apple Coral scaled Lancet is over! I spoke with Matt Conable today and he said they had only made one of those, the one shown on his web page. They will make them for the smaller handled knives but I'm on the Lancet kick and only that would do.

Oh well....on to the wood inlay small Sebenza I guess!

Updated the Collection, added Carbon Fiber Spearpoint and the Fishtail Oak Lancet, it's sure growing!


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

G2 LeatherWorks
My goodness Gary, I take it that you aren't too fond of them William Henrys?
Great collection there, didn't realize you had that much. Thanks for sharing the pic

PhiL - nice photo modification. I hope they will do that one up in stag, would look real nice IMO.

AKTI Member # A000005
Living life "on the edge"