Wilmington Show Apologies

Mar 26, 2000
Sorry guys, but due to inclement weather, I won't be at the Wilmington show.

Hope this hasn't caused any inconveniences or INFI withdraw...

I think 1 of your INFI slabs to each of us 151.3 people who planne don attending should make up for it :)
I know most people are sick of it, but man I'm loving it :) If it's above 50 I'm miserable, so this have been the best winter in a long time for me.

How many did you get last night/this morning? We got a solid 5", hoping the storm's tale take a smack at us...it will probably be the last real snow of the season :(
Pass some my way guys!
We haven't gotten squat:grumpy:

I'm with you DN, I draw the line when the sweatshirt has to come off:barf: