Looking for some help understanding how to get this machine calibrated. I recently picked up a 4JR that has 3 anvils, all the weights, the original test blocks, diamond penetrator, and ball penetrators for a really good deal. The machine appears pretty clean under the top cowling and the dash pot appears to be at the right level of oil per the manual. I've adjusted the timing on the dash pot so that the plunger falls in 5 seconds. When taking readings, they are usually really consistent and within less than 1 point of one another. Based on several tests with two different test blocks, the machine is reading the HRC higher than the value on the block (60.4 block had an avg of 62.9 / 61.8 block had an average of 63.18). I was hoping the difference from the blocks to the readings would have at least been the same. I have already done the index level adjustment process described in the manual. Any ideas what my next steps should be? I know I need to order new test blocks, one was an original Wilson block, and the other is probably 30 years old but in good shape.