Win Lynn Griffith's New Neck Knife

Jan 22, 1999
Top of Texas Knives is celebrating our first year in business and would like to say thanks to Blade Forums and all the Forumites for helping to make this a successful first year. We are proud to be giving away Lynn
Griffith's new designed MNK-2 neck knife. It is a great neck knife made out of ATS-34 steel, the handle is cord wrapped and it comes with a Kydex Sheath. As many of you know, Lynn is a great knifemaker and one heck of a nice fella. So be sure and enter. Best of luck to you. This link is the only way to enter the contest. The winner will be chosen on September 30. Good luck.

Chris I have just entered in your Contest so whats a Snipe gotta give ya to win? HE HE HE

Have fun at Johnny's place this weekend


I'm almost embarassed to ask this, because I think you're being most generous giving away that knife to us. But just to assure us, can you guarantee that all personal information from the application will not leave ToT knives under any circumstances? Not sold, not lent out, not used for any other purpose (except maybe the occasional sales flier from ToT). I've been burned enough from companies getting my address and sending me all kinds of wacky catalogs that I'm kinda careful now.


Wow! I just spoke with Mr. Griffin last week about this knife- It had made my "probably" list. It would be great to win this one- (or any knife really...) Thanx for the contest!

Runs With Scissors
AKTI# A000107
Hey guys are we having fun or what? Joe, don't worry. We won't be giving out any information to anybody. We do a monthly giveaway and when we announce winners we send out an E-mail to those who have registered announcing who won by first name only and the state they are from and we have a couple of sale items. I never have and never will give any information about the people who enter our contests because I value their trust and would not want to jeopardize that. Joe, I hope I've answered your question to your satisfaction. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Chris, Top of Texas Knives

Chris, buddy!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your first year anniversary in the knife business.
Here's wishing for more fruitful years ahead of you and Marti.

Secondly, thanks for holding this contest as well! Seems like there are contests left and right these days.. hehehe...

Just a note to you all. You can win the MNK-2 before you would be able to get if you ordered one direct from me. This is a great thing, Chris is doing for Blade Forums. Also, Chis will have some of these available for sale. I would get them now, because price on these will go up. I am getting orders for the Mini Neck Knives from all over the world. Thanks Chris for doing this. BTW, Chris as a picture of the MNK-2 on his website. Go take a look.

Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website

I would like to congratulate Chris and TOT
Knives for their first year in business.I wish you continued success.
I also want to thank him for having this knife give-away.
I am wishing myself good luck.
If I enter enough of these contests, sooner or later I`ve got to win, right??

never a dull moment
I'm in! This one's in the bag
, and feel free to distribute my info if it increases my odds of winning!

I need a bigger bucket.
It's good to see you are not restricting the draw to US members like the other draw for the CS Trailmaster. Good for you!!
Are you sure it is your FIRST year? I bought Lansky Sharpening system in Dec. 97 from one knife dealer in Texas and I always thought it had been you.

Anyway - I wish you good luck in years to come...


Hey everybody, we've had a lot of entries but no where near all 3300 of you so if you haven't already, come enter.
Top of Texas Knives

[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 10 September 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ToTKnives (edited 10 September 1999).]
Hey Chris I hope you are having fun at the Hammer-In . And as for the rest of you who haven't entered yet you need to it's free.
So get over there and ENTER!

(With quick, nervous stutter)
NO! No, it isn't free!!! It costs... it costs ummm $5 million to enet. Yea, that's it!
Geez man! Are you crazy? Don't TELL people to enter! J/K :)

And as for the rest of you who haven't entered yet you need to it's free.
So get over there and ENTER!

I am the maker of the MNK-2. Chris has told me, if he gets enough response off of this, he will continue to give away even more custom made knives in the future. I think this is a great program he has. I would like to see it continue for an ifinite lenght of time.

Next month, when it is a new knife, I am going to enter. I love the idea of winning a free knife.

If you are not sure of your luck and think you won't win, you can order a MNK-2 from TOT Knives. They will have some ready for delivery at the first of next month (unless they have already presold them).

Good Luck,

Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website

Thanks and congratulations to Chis and Marti of Top of Texas Knives. You have built an enviable reputation as dealers and really nice people in what seems like a short period of time (been a year already?).

I love knife giveaways!