WINNER ANNOUNCED -- GIVEAWAY! Fifteen Years at Bladeforums

Congrats on 15 years, Guyon, er, Gunyon?
I'm in if you'll allow me. The 5 is far and away my favorite Becker.
Congratulations on 15 years, Guyon! Thank you for this giveaway and the video.. It is beautiful on so many levels.
I don't have this one, but I like it.
I'm in, I think. ;)
Congrats on haunting this place for 1.5 decades.
What a milestone! Congrats and thanks for the generous GAW!
I'm in please.
aww man that's my favorite becker and i don't have one yet! thanks so much for giving us a chance with this!
Made it 15yrs..Great job Guyon!
Thanks for the GAW and congratulations on the milestone! That's a long damn time. I'm in BTW.
Congrats on the 15 years, great knife, generous giveaway I'm in so I'll pass in order to not take away someone else's chance. After reading an entire thread in another area and seeing Jerry Fisk reply I change my mind and would be honored to be a part of this. I'm in

Thanks for 15 years of entertaining and sometimes informative posts, ;) we've been here a long time my friend, we've survived quite a few meltdowns and the changing of the guard from Mike to Kevin, what a long strange trip is been (~);-}

Thanks again for supporting and giving back to the community. :thumbup:

I'm in... :)
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