Winter knife test (PETA members stay out)

This thread has reminded me of a tv program I saw some years ago.An Italian program where they visited a small museum .There was a large collection of knives which were used to butcher pigs.Each knife had a specific purpose for the various cuts and they numbered at least thirty knives !! I wish now I had more information about the collection....Every part of the pig is used , of course, even the skin. We see in America recipes for "italian sausage" which always make me laugh since there must be at least 1000 types of sausage in Italy ! That includes interesting things like zampone which is made by removing meat and bone from the lower leg,leaving the skin intact , then filling it with ground meat.
Ain't nothing like a good pork dinner! :D Sausage and scrapple, hmmm hmmm good. Butchering an animal is a great way to use your knives. That's one of the things I enjoy the most about deer hunting. I can go from live animal to the freezer. Field dressing, skinning, cutting up the meat and de-boning are great chores for your knives. After seeing those pics, I could go for a scrapple and eggs breakfast. :D
Hmmm... I yearn for North Carolina Style Pulled Pork with the hot vinegary sauce and that yummy slaw!
Off to brother Jimmy's in NYC for some similar stuff. It's close, but nothing beats those guys at the side of the road with the BBQ grill that's so big it's gotta be towed by a Ford 250 and the cook wearing the the size 50 overalls. Never buy BBQ from a skinny guy. You know it's not gonna taste right!
Good work flava! I'd like to see some pics showing more of the knife while it's in action. Sounds like a great blade.

And yes, now I'm hungry... :D