Winter Olympics - medal table

May 17, 2002
Owned. ;)

Somehow, none of the major American sports sites have a current medal table (probably because you guys don't really care about the Olympics :D ). Austria just scored another gold medal, which means that they're #2 now. Kudos to them (with a population of 8.2m) and Norway (4.6m), whose medals per capita rates are very impressive.

make that 11 gold medals for Germany. Lange/Hoppe/Kuske/Putze just won the four-man bobsled competition.
I just watched the 15km mass start biathlon, the famous Ole Bjoerndalen missed twice at the last shooting station, and Michael Greis of Germany won.

Next up is the bronze medal hockey game between Russia and the Czech Republic, but that's just a warmup for tomorrow's gold medal game between Sweden and Finland. One of the best hockey games that I've seen at any level was the 1994 final between Sweden and Canada. I have to root for my ancestral homeland of Sweden, but the Finns are playing great team defense, 7 - 0 with 5 shutouts. If they get up early like they did against Russia, it could be a long day.
It was quite a surprise that Canada didn't even make it to the semi-finals. On the other hand, Russia is always a force to be reckoned with. And of course Olympic hockey is so interesting because there are always about half a dozen teams that are capable of winning the tournament. It's nearly impossible to predict the outcome of any given game after the preliminary round. I still thought that Canada would win though.
I am proud to say I completely ignored the olympics.:D
Pretty boring stuff, way too much commercialism:barf:
Football is cool (if overly commercial for a sport), Baseball on the other hand... :yawn:
Quiet Storm said:
Baseball on the other hand... :yawn:

Baseball is supposed to be boring! It's to keep the foreigners out. We would never get away with having a "World Series" all to ourselves if anyone else were interested in playing.
Cougar Allen said:
We would never get away with having a "World Series" all to ourselves if anyone else were interested in playing.

Then why has Cuba been baseball world champion for about a dozen times in a row?
I'm genuinely curious...maybe they don't allow professional players to participate in international competitions? That's how Olympic soccer tournaments work and basketball tourneys used to work anyway.
Uhg! you are right, Baseball is uber-boring. In fact, most pro sports are extremely boring to watch. Maybe I am just not easy to amuse (said as I sit at a computer and post on a forum while fondling my knives):D
I'm an Olympics junkie. I'll pretty much watch any sport during the games. I tend to like the long track speedskating the most. It was a let-down for me when Canada got knocked out so early in hockey, but not really surprising. As a Canadian, I think we put way too much emphasis on winning hockey, but the reallity is the game is always up for grabs from one of a number of countries. To me, this is a good thing. I find CBC does a good job covering the Games, while NBC tends to fluff it up too much, taking away from the coverage.
Quiet Storm said:
Then why has Cuba been baseball world champion for about a dozen times in a row?

Hey, maybe that's why we still refuse to recognize Cuba....

Quiet Storm said:
I'm genuinely curious...maybe they don't allow professional players to participate in international competitions? That's how Olympic soccer tournaments work and basketball tourneys used to work anyway.

There are three obstacles to pros playing in the Olympics etc. -- trying to convince the people in charge to allow it, trying to convince players who are accustomed to getting paid millions to play for nothing, and trying to convince the team owners who pay them those millions to let their contracted players appear on television without the owners getting some return on their investment.

I'm afraid it would also be difficult to convince most pro baseball people anything other than the "World Series" is important.
Thank God it's OVER!!!Dr. Phil is back at his normal time slot followed by Oprah. I am so relieved.:eek:
I love Dr. Phil
I have a question!! How the heck does one get into Curling? Do you wake up one morning, and say "Hmmmmm, I would like to participate in a sport where I throw a big huge thing, slowly, and have my team mates push brooms in front of it." Seriously.
tarsier said:
I don't know a lot about it, but it seems to be a family thing. Most people in the sport are introduced to it when they are young. The US women's team got a lot of press attention before the games, but kind of fizzled. The men got a bronze medal though. They're gonna hang a bronze medal around Paul Bunyan's statue in Bemidji...:D

Are you serious? UUHG:barf: Figures that they would do something that corny here- the people who decide such things have their heads shoved way too far up their posteriors.:rolleyes: I should steal it.:D
TheKnifeCollector said:
I have a question!! How the heck does one get into Curling? Do you wake up one morning, and say "Hmmmmm, I would like to participate in a sport where I throw a big huge thing, slowly, and have my team mates push brooms in front of it." Seriously.

Go find a curling club, and you are there:D
I'd call curling a game, not a sport like hockey(eventhough it's a game ,too) as anyone can pretty much play. That said, there is quite a bit of skill involved. And hey, at least there aren't judges involved to be bribed for medals...