Winterizing House

Sep 2, 2004
How do you get your house ready for winter? I get a lot of cold air from the basement, can I insulate the basement ceiling? Anything "special" about doing it? What works for weather stripping doors, etc? I've got mostly new windows, but the doors let in a lot of cold air.

I'm getting the furnace cleaned, etc., but what things make a difference when fuel oil is going to be so expensive this winter?
In this climate, I just change the heat pump thermostat from "Cool" to "Heat."

But, smart a** answers aside, you can indeed lay up insulation between your floor joists from the basement. Spraying in more insulation in the attic might be more effective at conserving heat, though.

The best way to deal with cold air around your doors is to install storm doors.

Since my wife and daughter must be related to Eskimos, we set the thermostat at 68 degrees F and I put on a sweater and suffer all winter. In the summer we set it on 78 degrees F and they suffer all summer, so we spread it around.
The way I hear the news saying our fuel cost this winter are going to double, I guarantee I will have Carhart Insulated bib overhauls on every day of winter this year. If it's below 70 degrees in South Carolina these southern girls including me shut down blood flow and legs are crossed. Closed until Spring. Dress warmer like me.
Make you sure have insulation on/over your water heater. You'll notice a big difference right away. You can a kit from any hardware store. The kit that we bought last year had tape that was :barf: , so you might want to chuck it and use duct tape. Good luck.
Also you can get the 3M kits to cover your windows. MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARE THE 3M KITS!!! The other ones don't really work nearly as well.
Old house, steam heat, natural gas boiler. $200-$400 a month between december and april. Yes, I get raped.
Fuel bill will vary based on size of house, type of heating and location. Mine runs as follows.

1 story 1250 Sq feet,
Charlotte NC
Gas Heat, gas water heater, gas dryer, gas stove,
Elctric A/C

Gas $40-$50
Electric $140-$160

Last Winter (this year may be much higher due to fuel cost)
Gas $140-$160
Electric $50-$60
bladefixation2 said:
Whats a typical fuel bill in the US out of interest?
Our summer bills were 300.00 per month, less in winter usually because we use an alternating heating system besides electric...will have to see. :confused:Now that total also runs a knifemakers shop as well.
$300 a month for summer? Damn that's a lot.

Here in the UK for winter we get up to £30-40 for my small house. Of course our house is insulated properly with the boiler insulated and the attic as well. We've got double glazed windows also. For summer it's a lot cheaper.

Back in Malaysia i think there's just something wrong with our electricity meter. Sometimes we pay less than RM100 (That's like USD$26 a month). That's for a 2 storey bungalow with 5 bedrooms with 11 air conditioning units that are on all the time.

Our water bill is really high though 'cos of the pool and always leaving the tap on and over flushing i guess.